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It was the next morning, or rather afternoon when I woke up. When I say afternoon I mean noon. I am not an early riser. I yawned and stretched my body to get read of the sleepiness. Afterward, I got up and picked out some clothes. Black skinny jeans, knee-high leather boots, and a flowy white tank top with a lace black bra underneath. I look hot! I went into the bathroom and took a long shower allowing my mind to drift off somewhere with a lot of ice creams and French fries. Yup. I'm going to the Grill! After the shower, I got dressed and looked in the mirror. Using my hair-changing magic I made my hair a lighter brown with red streaks that went just above my boobs in beach waves. I so love this power!

After getting dressed I made my way downstairs only to see no one was home. It is lunchtime. By the note on the fridge, I got to know that, Jer is with Tyler, Vina, Stefan, and Caroline showing the new scooby the ways around town and that they were having lunch in the lake as Stefan suggested – Ed has come a long way... Jenna is in Alaric's apartment doing something not even God wants to know what. Damon is out of town. That's what Stefan told me at least (he sent me a message this morning). I hope he's having fun...

I pout slightly. I have to walk to the Grill... If you hadn't realized, you will now. I'm the epitome of laziness. I don't run – by choice. I really only do active things like the defense classes because that was necessary. However, after a long list of Pros and Cons, I decided that French fries cancel out the walking part. So I grabbed my house keys and started my stroll to the Grill. As I was walking down the street so lost in thought about future events I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." The person said and I shake my head and look up finding the eyes of Mason Lockwood, "El, what happened to your hair?"

"An accident in crafts class." I say sarcastically and he laughs, "I thought you were in California."

"I was. But it got boring, so I came back. I'm actually staying for a while." He tells me and I nod.

"Ty must be happy." I grin.

"Yeah..." He says, "Anyway, I'll see you soon El."

"See you soon, Mase." And I was back on track. After some more really and utterly exhausting walk of ten minutes between my house and the Grill, I enter it and immediately fall down on a chair at a table.

"What will you have, honey?" The waitress asks me, and I grin at her before saying.

"French fries and a Vanilla Milkshake. Uh, not actually make that two French fries." I say and she chuckles and moves away.

"What is a lady like you doing eating alone?" I hear an accented voice say behind me and I turn and grin as I see Kol.

"I see you still have much adapting to the 21st century to do." I say and he shrugs with a smirk as he sits down in the chair in front of me, "And you need manners. Who told you, you could sit?"

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