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It's been three months since I found out I was pregnant. And I need to tell you that pregnancy is a pain in the ass. And I'm not the only one who thinks this. Everyone is becoming wary of the knocked-up girls in our group. Everyone.

Hayley is on her way to her third trimester and is getting really big. Not that we can say it to her face. She'd throw a desk at us. No shit. Rebekah and Davina are also along their second trimester and I just entered mine.

It is now December and everything is going awesome. At least that's what I thought. There have been two problems lately. Ok. There have been multiple problems.

First of all, after our group talks about names and everyone picking one afterward we don't really have anything else baby-related to do. The names are awesome BTW. First, we have my babies.

James Henrick and India Lyra Mikaelson.

Then we have Davina's baby who is to be named either, Silas Peter Parker or Atlas Mia Parker.

Then Hope Andrea Mikaelson but that was kind of expected.

And finally, Bekah's who is to be named either, Scarlett Arabella Salvatore or Damon Nick Salvatore. I like both! Love them actually.

Anyway, my next problem is the fucking morning symptoms and mood swings. Which no one is safe from. Not even Kol. But his insanity does help keep me sane. If that made sense.

My next problem is I have no idea what we're doing for Christmas. All the pregnant girls (and Caroline!) are discussing this because no one can handle us. They left everything to us and are waiting for the orders.

Another problem is and Bonnie are not on great terms. We had a huge dramatic fight. She was being a bitch, to be honest. Saying that I was being irresponsible and creating new species of the supernatural for nothing. With these new species, she meant my babies. So I told her I'm the Goddess of the Supernatural and Chaos and will do this thing called what I want. She then told me the power is going to my head and I kindly told her to fuck off. We haven't really talked after that.

Problem number something, I'm trying to find another place to live in. And let me tell you the world of real estate ain't easy. I and Kol are moving in together for obvious reasons. Jenna and Rick already moved in together as they are married. Anna is moving in with Jer.

This is not a problem but more of a statement. I love my baby bro. He's so cute. He gave me this whole speech about kids and how he was so happy for me and was always here for me. We ended up snuggling in a bed with me telling one of our old bedtime stories to him and the twins.

My last and main problem are the fucking travelers who fucking kidnapped me and think they can get away with it. I could just leave but it's funny to mess with them

I'll explain. I was just walking out of the Tree, prancing along the woods, humming the song Hanging Tree, which now that I think of it was kind of creepy mainly because I was alone in the forest with cute pink hair and blood covering my clothes. Don't ask about the blood. It just happened.

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