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"WE'RE HERE!!!" I shout as I get out of the airplane strutting down the stairs as if I'm a Hollywood star. I am as good looking as one so...

"Nova Scotia here we come!" Ty says loudly almost matching my energy. Almost. And the others are just shaking their heads at us in amusement as if we're clowns in a circus. Which I am highly offended by being that clowns scare the shit out of me. They're supposed to be funny right? Right? Not. They're not funny. They're middle aged guys spraying water out of a plant looking at the audience with sorrow as if we're going to die. Clowns are evil. Evil I tell you. If I had to choose between a clown and being trapped in a room with psycothic maniac I would definitely choose the latter. But who am I kidding? The psycothic ones are always more fun! And clown...

"Now what?" Caroline asks after we're all out of the big flying metal box cutting my mind rambling on clowns short. "Did you plan anything at all Ellie?"

"Nope." I grin as I turn to them. Who does she think I am? I don't plan, I wing it. And if it doesn't work out and we all end up dead so be it. We would have fun in the Underworld for all eternity. More people for the card games!

"Seriously?" Care asks in her Caroline like way that makes me fangirl in my head. "Fine. I'll get us a hotel..." She sighs as she gets her phone out.

"You're such a Monica," I state after observing her for a few seconds, and she snorts.

"And you're such a Pheobe. We all have our roles." She says off-handely waving it off as she scrolls through the wonder that is the internet.

"As much as I like Pheebs I'm not her, at all."


"Who are these people you are talking about?" Kol asks and Ty and Davina laugh as my jaw and Caroline's drop. How- Uh- WHAT?!

"You so need to watch Friends." Caroline sighs.

"Indeed. It's a crime you haven't watched it yet. Being in a coffin for a hundred years doesn't count as an excuse either. It should have been your priority." I agree and he looks at us blankly. "It's a Tv show. It's awesome at that. It's about a group of friends."

"I would've never guessed." He says and we laugh at my expense. Huh.

After laughing for a while longer mocking my... Well, me in general. We left for the fancy five-star hotel Caroline got us. We girls were sharing a room and the blokes were sharing another. In the morning we're going to set out to the island by witchy ways because there's no way I'm getting on a boat. I respect the ocean but it kind of scares me... Huh. I mean what if I fall in and get sucked into its depths and then get eaten by a whale and have to survive of the food it eats until eventually I get digested and die? Sure I'm a Goddess and I could easily get out of there but... *Shudder*

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