10 : Preparations before the battle

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They had been walking for half an hour.

- How far away is it? asked Gloin.

- We arrive. said Gus, who went up a slope and then pushed a heavy door.

They came out in the open air. The light was blinding. They beat eyelids and realized that they were surrounded.

- Nice to see you! smiles Fennimore amidst heavily armed soldiers.

They were on a hillside. A huge encampment was erected.

A few miles to the west, we watched the walls of Corneville. One could see the grey tin roofs glittering under the sun and the towers of the palace that stood out from them.

The city was surrounded by pastures, crops and farms. From afar, cattle and sheep were seen grazing near white buildings, certainly in lime walls and straw roofs.Below, one could see a glittering expanse of water, then in the distance, to the north, a land and a large fortified city.

There was no doubt for Balin, a geographer emeritus, that they were not far from Pellardur, that this expanse was the Nen Umbar and that this town in the distance was none other than Marös: an area known for its dangerousness, populated by people of all cultures, coming from Harad, Rhun or Khand.

- It doesn't smell good. remarked the councillor, who was looking at the horizon from the edge of the cliff.

- What do you mean? asked Thorin, who had joined him.

- We are not far from the land of pirates and privateers, the Black Numénoréens.

- Are you hungry? Fennimore told the assembly.

- I'm starving. replied Bombur.

- Then go that way, they will give you what you want to eat. replied the governor.

Bombur walked away into the maze of tents, followed by Gloin, Bofur, Bifur, Dori, and Ori.

- We would eat well too. remarked Bain.

- Go ahead.... and stay with the dwarves. Don't go away! replied Bard.

Fennimore's intervention had cut short the discussion between Thorin and Balin.


The camp was quite impressive. About fifty large tents were cleverly planted in perfect symmetry.

A large tent in the center with a flag on its top representing the goat so characteristic of the kingdom of Amalthea. All around, in four distinct zones, tents which were distinguished only by the drawing on the fabric, near their entrances: yellow and black representing a dragon; purple and green, a boat with the great sail extended and swollen; red and black, a human skull; blue in shade, an erupting volcano.

- Why these drawings? Some are quite disturbing. remarked Ori, who had been standing in front of the scarlet-coloured skull.

He even swallowed by crossing the terrifying gaze of a soldier coming out of the tent.

- It is the banner of the house of Fuldior. One of the ancient territories of the Amalthea. It stretched north of the bay of Belfagas. replied Gus.

- And why a skull? insisted the dwarf.

- Because it's a house you don't joke about... like everyone else... I have to go to my friends. Don't go away. advised the soldier.

- You are a dwarf from Erebor.

A feminine and determined voice had just risen behind Ori. The young dwarf turned not without apprehension. Was he more afraid of the woman than the soldier of the house with the blood-red skull who was now facing him?...

The madness of Thorin : The One EnchantmentWhere stories live. Discover now