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After tiring hours of classes, it was finally lunch time. Ally Dawson sat at her usual table with her best friends, Trish De La Rosa and Dez Wade. Her other best friend, Austin Moon, was buying his lunch. Suddenly, Ally caught sight of her crush, Dallas, walking through the cafeteria doors.

"Oh my goodness, Trish. Look!" Ally exclaimed, clutching the Latina's arm tightly.

Trish looked around aimlessly. "Look at what? I see nothing special."

"It's Dallas." Ally stated dreamily.

Trish stared at her hopelessly in love best friend. "So? I have no interest in him."

"Seriously Trish. Look at his beautiful brown eyes, his hair, his-"

Trish shoved pickles into Ally's mouth to cut her off. "Shut up, Ally, I told you. I have no interest!"

Ally pouted. "Fine. Wait..was that pickles you shoved into my mouth?"

Trish nodded. "Give it here," Ally said, snatching the pickles off Trish's tray.


Ally stuck her tongue out playfully, then turned her focus back to her crush.

Just then, Austin comes and takes a seat beside Ally. "Hey guys."

Trish and Dez greet him back while Ally still keeps her focus on Dallas.

Trish snaps her fingers in front the brunette. She doesn't even flinch. Trish sighed and pinched Ally's arm hard. "Ally whatever-your-middle-name-is Dawson!"

Ally finally snaps back to reality and looks at her best friend. Trish motioned towards Austin and that's when she realizes he was there. "Oh, hey Austin."

Austin smiles at the embarrassed brunette and pinched her cheek. "Hey Ally."

Ally starts to reply him but someone interrupted them.

"Ally, can I talk to you for a sec?"

The foursome turned to the person who spoke. Dallas.

Ally stammers a nervous "s-s-sure." and walks away with Dallas.

Dez looks at Austin, who was poking his food sadly. "Hey, Lil' Golden Toes. What's wrong?"

Austin sighed and said, "Nothing."

Trish frowns at the usually cheerful boy. "Austin, you can tell us."

Austin glances at his two best friends then spoke softly. "I have a crush on Ally."

Trish's eyes softened. "Austin, I'm so sorry."

Austin smiles sadly at the girl. "This isn't your fault."

While that was going on, Dallas was asking Ally out for a date, to which Ally excitedly agreed.

"Okay then, let's go tell our friends."

And together, they headed back into the cafeteria.


Dez was first to notice Dallas and Ally holding hands as they walked in. He nudged Trish's elbow then covered Austin's eyes.

Austin was confused. "Dez, what's happening?"

"I don't know, just don't look." Dez lied, staring at Dallas and Ally.

Ally looked at her usual table. Austin had his eyes covered by Dez's hands, which didn't really surprise her since well, Dez was Dez. She locked eyes with Trish, whose eyes were widened in shock.

"What's going on?" Ally thought to herself, completely confused.

hey amazing unicorns (cough nikky cough) ❤

new story yay! i hope you liked this first chapter. i got two of my teeth removed today (24th June) , so I'm writing to distract myself. ugh, how i hate removal of teeth. i can't feel my face. (when im with you 😆) I'm going to remove two more a few days later. help.

story name credits to latenight_writer thank you so much mabell💋 oh and -Skylol- , RauraQueen , cooki3girl for helping me out. you guys rock. I love you all so much. 💘

-ally xx

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