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Ally watched as Dallas continued to type away on his phone then sighed. She couldn't take it anymore, and so she asked Dallas if she could go to the washroom. He replied with a nonchalant "yeah yeah, whatever." and continues typing.

Ally, with her heart broken, walks into the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror. She looked like a wreck. She checked her phone, only to see that less than fifteen minutes has passed and she has already had enough.

to : trish
from : ally

after a few minutes, she replied.

to : ally
from : trish
what's wrong, alls?

to : trish
from : ally
Dallas is what's wrong! you were right, i really shouldn't have judged a book by its cover. i so regret this 😭

to : ally
from : trish
oh :( I'm so sorry ally. do you want someone to get you out of this?

to : trish
from : ally
ohh yes please!

to : ally
from : trish

to : trish
from : ally
wait, aren't you at work?

to : ally
from : trish
which is why i am going to ask someone else to pick you up.

to : trish
from : ally
since when do you care about working?

to : ally
from : trish
ever since a hot co-worker joined.

to : trish
from : ally
uh okay. then who?

to : ally
from : trish
oh ally don't pretend to be innocent.. You know perfectly well who he is.

to : trish
from : ally

to : ally
from : trish
ya, he's on his way

to : trish
from : ally
how does he know where i am?

to : ally
from : trish
he has a gps on your phone.

to : trish
from : ally
wait, what?

from : ally
from : trish
yeah well, idk. just wait for him. look I gtg. Ttyl :)

After texting Trish, Ally already felt so much better. She walked out of the bathroom, just to see Dallas kissing another girl. The view totally disgusted her as they sloppily kissed. She walked closer to the pair and fake coughed. They broke apart.

"Oh hey Ally, wh-" Dallas started, but was interrupted by her.

"Have fun kissing," I said, grabbing my purse from my seat and ran out of the restaurant.

"Yeah, well. I don't care. It was a stupid dare anyway. You're a hideous monster, who would ever date you," was all Ally heard before she was completely out of the restaurant.

Ally waited for Austin to pick her up. She thought of what Dallas had said, and starting to break into tears. Austin soon arrived, but Ally didn't notice as she kept her head down.

"Hey," she heard Austin greet, but she still kept her head down. Austin's smile instantly changed into a frown. She felt weight on the bench she was sitting on then strong arms pulling her close.

"Ally...don't cry over Dallas. He doesn't deserve you. He's a jerk to break your heart," Austin said as Ally cried harder in his chest. They stayed in that position, with Austin caressing Ally's soft hair until she calmed down.

"Thank you so much Austin. You are such an amazing best friend," I told him, smiling slightly.

"I know, I'm a nice guy." He replied, smirking.

I punched his arm playfully. "You are such a cocky boy, Austin," I said while giggling.

"Ouch Ally. You hurt me," he joked, putting his hand over his heart. I giggled again.

"Anyway, I'm gonna drive you back to your house so you can clear your mind. But you have to promise me one thing," he said, getting up.

"What is it?" I answered, still sitting.

"Never cry over Dallas again, you were too blind to see that he has a bad temper, promise?" Austin said.

"Promise," I said smiling.

"Don't break it," he said, holding his hand to me. I gladly accepted it.

"I won't."

"Great. Now let's get you home," Austin answered, holding my hand and guiding me to his car.

Why does my tummy feel weird?

whale hai der

you are all so amazing and i love all of you so incredibly much ❤

-ally xx

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