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Austin was getting annoyed. He groaned. "Dez, can you please uncover my eyes, I can't see anything."

"That's the whole purpose. I'm not letting you see this tragedy." Dez replied.

Austin sighed. "Dez, please. I can handle it, I'm 17, not a little kid who cries over everything."

"If you say so. But I'm pretty sure you won't be able to handle it, and I bet you'll be screaming your butt off." Dez slowly uncovered Austin's eyes.

He saw Ally and Dallas, who were holding hands and walking to Dallas' table. He started to stammer. "T-T-Trish, D-Dez, are t-t-they d-d-d-da-"

Trish cut him off. "Maybe."

Austin's eyes widened and he ran towards Dallas and Ally. "Ally!!"

Dez grinned and rose his hand, wanting a high five from Trish. "I knew it! He's gonna go talk to Ally!"

Trish rolled her eyes. "You just said that he's gonna scream and yell his butt off, not talk to Ally."

Dez put down his hand and pouted. "Aw man." and continued eating the food on his tray.


Ally turned around, startled to see Austin running towards her. "Austin, what are you doing?"

Austin stopped in front of the small brunette. "Ally, I have to talk to you."

Ally knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. "Sure, but why?"

"Just, please Ally."

Ally sighed. "Okay fine." she turned to Dallas. "You won't mind if I talk to Austin, right?"

Dallas smiled and kissed her cheek. "Of course not. Go ahead Alls."

Ally blushed and muttered a small 'thanks'.

Austin rolled his eyes and grabbed Ally by the wrist. "Come on Ally."

He pulls her into the janitors' closet.

"What happened, Austin? Why are you in such a hurry?" Ally asked.

Austin started to stammer, making inaudible noises.

Ally looked at Austin weirdly. "Huh? What did you say, Austin? I couldn't get a thing."

Austin took a deep breath and started talking. "Look Ally, I-"

Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depends on how you see it), Trish ran in. "Austin, can I please talk to Ally?"

Austin frowned and started to speak. "But-"

Trish rolled her eyes. "Let's face it, Austin. You won't be able to say that to Ally! You'll stutter and..whatever! Just let me tell her."

Ally was even more confused. She looked at Austin and Trish. "What are you guys talking about?"

Trish glanced at Ally shortly before looking back at Austin. "Please."

Austin sighed. "Okay. I trust you. Please make this work." He patted Trish's shoulder and left.

Ally watched as Austin leaves.

"Okay? Trish, what is happening?"

"Ally, Austin..." she trailed off.

Ally raised her eyebrows. "Yes?"

Trish took a deep breath then continued. "Austin has a crush on you."

Ally's eyes widened and she started to stutter. "Y-you're not s-serious, are you?"

"I'm serious, Ally."

Ally was still in a state of shock. "Trish, I had a crush on him when he was dating Kira, and now that he has a crush on me, I'm going out with Dallas."

"Ally, do you still like Austin?"

Ally bit her lower lip, trying to control her emotions. "Yes, I thought we were never going to be together, so I tried to move on."

"Which is why you developed a crush on Dallas, yeah?" Trish asked.

Ally nodded. "This is much more complicated than I thought," Trish sighed.

Ally looked at Trish as tears started to pool. "What should I do? Who should I choose?"

Trish smiles at Ally softly. "I don't really know, but it is your choice, don't let other people choose it for you. Happiness is yours. Although, personally, I think Austin would be a better boyfriend. Just saying."

Ally gave a small laugh.

"I'll leave you here for a while, think carefully what you want, Austin or Dallas." She walks towards the door, but before she left, she turns around one last time. "Oh and Ally?"


"Don't judge a book by its cover."

hello, beautiful people!

im sorry this was short. it's only 600+ words. gosh.

on sidenote,

raura is finally reunited😻😻 look how genuinely they are smiling. I AM FREAKING OUT.

also, guys. listen to sabrina's new song 'On Purpose' if you haven't yet, it's such an amazing one. its my jam.

-ally xx

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