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Unfortunate for Ally, that night, it was raining heavily, with frequent lightning and thunder. She snuck deeper into her duvet, trying to get rid of the terrible noise which was scaring her and not letting her sleep simultaneously. She tried to count sheep, which was said to work if one couldn't sleep. But it couldn't get her to do so. Finally giving up, she left the room to Austin's one.

She knocked softly, and turned the doorknob. She walked in to see Austin sleeping soundly. "How can he sleep so well?" She thought to herself as she crept closer to his bed.

She knelt down to his height and looked at him for a moment. His chest went up and down slowly as he gave out small snores. She lightly shook him. Austin's eyes slowly opened and met her brown ones. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared, can I sleep with you?" Ally asks embarrassedly. Austin gave a chuckle and scooted over to let Ally climb in. "Thanks," Ally muttered, getting in the bed.

Austin pulls Ally closer to him after she gets in. She settled half on him, her head in the crook of his neck, while Austin's hands were around her, making her feel secure. They both couldn't deny the fluttering sensation in their stomachs.

"Austin?" Ally whispers softly. Austin hummed in reply.

"Do you think I'm a hideous monster?" she whispers, Dallas' words starting to take over her brain. Austin's heart broke a little when Ally said that.

"Ally Dawson, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Sure, you may love reading and hate being a popular, which is kind of unusual as most girls think the opposite way, but that's what makes you you. I don't know why you would think that way of yourself, you're flawless to me, and that would never change. You'll always be my favourite dorky brunette. Don't ever change because you know you are perfect just the way you are. Okay, you might not know that but I assure you, you are a beautiful soul inside and out," Austin answers truthfully. Ally looks up to him and whispers, "Do you mean all of that?" Austin smiles and nodded. Ally returned a small smile.

Austin and Ally stare at each other in the eyes. Their hearts were beating so fast they would jump out any time. Austin caressed Ally's cheek then pulled a chunk of her brown curls away from her face. They slowly leaned in.

Then their lips connected.


The next day was awkward for both Austin and Ally. Afterall, they had kissed, and they were supposed to be best friends. Kissing shouldn't be something they should do. They both deep down knew it was magical, but they still couldn't figure out if the other had feelings for them or if it was just a heated moment. All throughout the day, it was just small conversations. Like what to eat and really random one line ones. Both of them knew they had fix this, but they didn't have the courage to do anything just yet.

whoops, fell back to 518 words. hehe. saowy.


if you have time, please check out my youtube channel itsnotally 💘 i will be posting singing videos or any random tags and challenges 😺

ooh and subscribe to
Austinpickles's channel : Maia&Jeremy
RauraQueen's channel : MusicByCourt

-ally xx

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