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Austin and Ally walked into school hand in hand, making a lot of students halt to stare at them. Lots of muttering of 'are they together' or 'I wanted to be with Austin' or 'They are so cute' were heard as they walked down the hallway towards Austin's locker.

Yes, not their lockers. Austin, Trish and Dez all were locker buddies but for poor Ally, she had to walk further away to hers, which was not a good thing.

As expected, Trish and Dez were there, squealing excitedly at the approaching couple. "Hey," Ally smiled brightly, waving with her free hand.

"Hey lovebirds," Trish teased, making both of them blush.

Ally let go of Austin's hand and kissed his cheek. "I have to go get my books now, see you in class."

Austin gave her a smile and hug. "Okay, see you."

"Bye Trish, bye Dez," Ally called as she started to walk away.

Ally was in a extraordinarily good mood today. She was humming as she bounced her way to her locker. Suddenly, she felt thin arms wrap around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder. She jumped up in alarm and turned her head to see a mop of brunette hair.

"Gee Ally, I thought you'd be happier to see me."

Ally recognized that voice instantly. She turned around to see one of her childhood best friends. "Riley!"

"And guess who's here?" Riley asked and a blonde popped up from her back.

"Maya, oh my gosh. I missed you so much!" Ally walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"You've changed so much, Ally," Riley says.

"In a good way or a bad way?" Ally teases.

"In a bad way, obviously." Maya rolled her eyes. Ally smiled, knowing Maya was only being sarcastic.

The bell rang.

"Crap, I have to get my books," Ally says, starting to walk away. Maya pulls her back, laughing while Riley pulls out a bag from behind. "All set."

Ally takes the bag from her. "How did you get my books?"

"From your locker, obviously."


"We know your code."


"Let's go to class. You don't wanna be late, do you?"


The school bell rang again, signaling the end of the school day. Students rushed out of their classrooms, eager to escape hell. Only Ally, Riley and Maya walked leisurely towards Maya's car, chatting.

"Ally!" a male voice interrupted their conversation. The three girls turned around to see Austin walking up to them.

"Austin!" Ally replied, tiptoeing to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek. Austin blushed at the burning sensation where Ally's lips touched.

"You coming with me?" he asked.

"Oh sorry, I'm going to Riley's house," Ally apologized.

"Oh, it's okay. Text me, yeah?"


"Hey, maybe yeah will-"

"Don't finish that."

"You don't like The Fault In Our Stars?"

"No, I like it. It's just getting old."

"Oh, understandable. Well, I'll see you tomorrow?"


Austin leaned down to sink his lips briefly in Ally's before pulling away, much to Ally's disappointment. Then he walked away to his car.

"Okay, Ally Edgar Dawson. Spill everything right now. Wait, don't. Wait until we're at the bay window."

whale hai der. (sorrynotsorry nikky)

two days until my birthday ughhh. i don't wanna be old 😭

oh btw -phanstetic- I WILL BE HOME ALONE ON MY BIRTHDAY. WE CAN PLAY MY ADDICTION ALL DAY. (that is, unless you have to go babysitting😭😭)

also, im meeting up with one of my friends whom i haven't seen for 4 years tomorrow. #awkward

wish me luck.

-ally xx

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