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Ally was sitting on her bed, playing on her phone, when suddenly, her phone rang.

"Hey Dallas!" she answered the phone cheerfully.

"Hi, Ally. So you wanna go out for a date tonight?"

Ally could feel her grin growing wider and wider with every word he said. "Sure!"

"Great! I'll be at your house at 7. Kay?"

"Okay, bye!"


Then Ally headed to the bathroom and took a hot bath.

"Okay Ally. Let's see what you should wear." the brunette muttered to herself, fumbling through her closet. She picked a white ruffled tank top, a dark blue cardigan, ripped jeans and a pair of converse. She curled her hair a bit and looked at the clock. Great, it was still 6:30. She could still watch the television for half an hour.


Dallas still haven't arrived yet. He was already half an hour late. Ally frowned as she glanced at the clock.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock.

Ally couldn't take it anymore, therefore she texted Dallas.

to: dallas
from : ally
where are you?

to: ally
from : dallas
20 minutes to your house

to: dallas
from : ally
wait what? you're half an hour late already!

to: ally
from : dallas
yeah ik

to: dallas
from : ally
you are unbelievable.

to: ally
from : dallas

Ally's eyes widened at his rudeness.

to: dallas
from : aly
just come here ASAP.

to: ally
from : dallas

Ally sighed as she threw her phone on the couch. "Seriously? This is our first date and he doesn't even try to leave a good impression? Oh and let's not forget he didn't even apologize. Rude," Ally muttered to herself angrily, crossing her arms over her chest.


The doorbell finally rang after twenty-five minutes. Ally took her bag and opened the door.

"Hi," she faked enthusiasm.

"Hi Ally, you ready?" Dallas asked.

Ally gave him a fake smile. "Yes."

"Alright, come on," Dallas walks away on his own.

Ally watches in disbelief as he left her standing at the door. "Maybe Trish was right, I really shouldn't have judged a book by its cover." Ally thought to herself as she followed Dallas. He was already in the car, frowning at her. Ally got in the car.

"Ally, you should've walked faster. We're already late," Dallas starts the engine.

"Yeah, right. Keep making excuses and blaming me for being 'late'," Ally thought to herself.

She ignored him and started texting Trish.

to : trish
from : ally
trish, i understand now. i really shouldn't have judge a book by its cover😥

to : ally
from : trish
😔What did he do??

to : trish
from : ally
we're supposed to be on a date and he's an hour late. when he finally arrived, he didn't even apologize.

to : ally
from : trish
oh, ally. i'm so sorry...

to : trish
from : ally
what should i do, then?

to : ally
from : trish
not sure, figure out yourself. i gtg, so text me later, k? good luck ❤

to : trish
from : ally
wow, thanks a lot for the help😑 but yeah, i do need a lot of luck. text you later.

Ally switched off her phone and looked out of the window, sighing.

"I really hope Austin's with me n- wait. Did I say Austin? No that must be a mistake, Austin's my best friend. I have no feelings for him. Calm down Ally, you're just babbling nonsense. Okay, relax..."


"Okay....?"Ally thought to herself as Dallas pulled onto the driveway. "I always come here with my friends. It's not a fancy restaurant and the food are not really tasty. Why would Dallas bring me here? I was expecting more than this. He's wealthy right? So...ugh..whatever."

Dallas and Ally were soon seated in a booth. Ally was looking at the menu when Dallas suddenly called the waitress over.

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

"Pepperoni pizza for the both of us please," Dallas says, then adds a wink at the end.

"But Dallas, I am-" I started to protest, but was cut off by his deathly glare.

"Shush Ally," he turned his attention back to the waitress, giving her a smile that could have easily melted Ally's heart before she knew his true self. "Thanks."

She gave him a wink, slipped something onto his side of the table and then walked away, as if nothing has happened.

hi! 😻

i still don't think 724 words is enough. ughh, why is writing 1k words so hard. i promise i will succeed though.

okay, bye for now!

-ally xx

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