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Little brother

Binnie hyung
Taehyun? You're really texting me?
Please don't let this be a dream

Little brother
It's not hyung it's me

Binniie hyung
I'm so sorry I didn't talk to you sooner I
forgot about you and I'm a bad hyung for
doing that I'm so so so sorry Taehyun it's
okay if you don't forgive me and nothing can
convince you I'm sorry but I missed you
a lot
Again I'm sorry

Little brother
It's all good hyung
And don't say you're a bad hyung you're the
best one and I wouldn't want another one, I
understand that you're a singer
You go on tour and practice for hours I didn't mind being left alone until Yeonjun brought
up if you texted me, at the time I wished you'd call me or a text even if it said hi
But I understood how busy you are so it's
okay hyung

Binnie hyung
I'm still sorry

Little brother
Don't apologize I'm not hurt anymore
I'm perfectly fine

Binnie hyung
I know but years passed

Little brother
Here we are texting
I honestly thought you might hate me

Binnie hyung
I could never hate you

Little brother
Ok let's stop bringing up the past because
you'll never stop apologizing and you're
annoying when you do that

Binnie hyung
Did you think I hated you because I didn't
talk to you?

Little brother
Drop the subject

Binnie hyung
No I want to know
You thought I hated you and you're like a brother to me I'm worried
You know I'd never hate you

Little brother
Well when you focused on your career it
looked it the opposite

Binnie hyung
I'm sorry

Little brother
It's ok I guess

Binnie hyung
Would you like to go for breakfast tomorrow?

Little brother
Don't you have something to do all day?

Binnie hyung
After 11

Little brother
Can you pick me up at 8 to catch up more?

Binnie hyung
I was actually planning that

Little brother
We think alike

Binnie hyung
Act surprised

Little brother
How's that?

Binnie hyung
I laughed which symbolizes it's 100/10

Little brother
Thank you I tried

Binnie hyung
You don't even have to
You're naturally funny

Little brother
Again thank you

Binnie hyung
Did you move apartment?

Little brother
Nope it's the same one
Do you remember how to get here?

Binnie hyung
Could never forget

Little brother
Ok I'll wait for you then
I have a night shift so

Binnie hyung
You still work at that place?

Little brother
And Yeonjun hyung

Binnie hyung
Just take care I never trusted those people

Little brother
Not surprised you and Yeonjun hyung are
the same person

Binnie hyung

Little brother
Ok gotta go bye hyung

Binnie hyung
Take care

Little brother
I will and you too

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