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Liked by God.Beom, Pabo.Huening, Choi.Yeon and millions of others
Choi.Gyu NO ONE scolds me, I scold them first

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Pabo.Huening You scold hard

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Choi.Bin It's hard to get scolded by you and when it happens it's like a nightmare but heaven too

Pabo.Huening How did you pin 2 comments?

Choi.Gyu @Pabo.Huening You just do

Choi.Yeon @Choi.Gyu I agree with you @Pabo.Huening You just pin the comments

Pabo.Huening @Choi.Gyu @Choi.Yeon You're mean and useless. ILL FIGURE IT OUT MYSELF

Kang.THyun @Pabo.Huening Then don't ask

God.Beom Yes king

Pb.H Exactly no one scolds you, you scold them

Beomkainess Great quote

Bearbear I'm gonna randomly say this a lot to annoy my friends

Taegyu.bin I wonder why Beomgyu posted that quote

Yeonjunnie First ot5 pic

Yeongyu Our very first txt pic

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