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Beomgyu struggled to click the elevator button while trying to keep his phone on his ear with one hand and the other one with Hueningkai's huge plushie he uses when he's sad. He's lucky no one got in with him or else they'd judge the hell out of him for walking with that plushie that is slightly bigger than him.

"Number 23?" he asked the male on the other end while trying to look to his right but the plushie was in the way "I'm in the middle of the hall hyung, look up" Taehyun laughed at the frown grow on his face, that is until he looked up and saw him he smiled.

Taehyun helped him with holding the cute big thing "Let's go inside and maybe you can talk to him too, he's still shaken up" Beomgyu understands how bad he gets when he starts to panic and ramble about certain topics. Like the topic is Yeonjun.

He walked seeing Hueningkai wrapped in many blankets and pillows around the sofa, floor there were so many that you barely see him but aside from the tall lump in the middle. And if you walk a little more you can see his face.

The grey haired smiled a little "Hey Huening" he whispered catching the other two males' attention, the youngest beamed at his hyung "Beomgyu hyung!" he got out of his soft, warm place and ran to him. Cling to him like a little koala, wrapping his legs around his waist which Beomgyu wrapped his arms around him.

Taehyun walked to Yeonjun smiling at the cute duo walk to Hueningkai's place with Beomgyu whispering some words to him which gained giggles from the other "Beomgyu really turns him into a baby" the brown haired noted leaning at the edge of the wall Yeonjun hummed in agreement "From Soobin and Beomgyu he's the one that brings the little boy we first met back"

Watching them brought memories, but the ones when the two oldest were dating. That made Yeonjun's smile fade "I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom" he excused himself with his head down the tears already coming before he could process anything.

Taehyun decided to sit down on the sofa across from the other two who are whispering "You two best friends sharing secrets and I'm not included?" he asked with a pout gaining their attention "Nope!" Huening stuck out his tongue the covered his face with another blanket he had on his lap the brown haired gasped acting offended.

Beomgyu chucked "Come join us" he winked bringing his left side of the blanket fort up to signal to sit next to him and Taehyun acted like he's thinking but after he heard a small mumble that he's an annoying cute pretty boy he smiled and jump next to him "What are you guys talking about?" the brown head asked pulling the other big blanket over his head.

"Beom hyung was talking about how pretty you are and he'd love to date you" the brown haired giggled. Beomgyu slapped his arm and pushed him which resulted in him falling on the floor, laughing and not caring about the pain on his butt or any pain in his body.

"So I'm pretty?" Taehyun smirked looking over to the other male next to him. Beomgyu flushed at the simple question "Yes and no" he was screaming inside "Yes and no?" the soft brown haired tilted his head when the older looked at him which just made him freak out a billion times more.

"Well it's complicated" Beomgyu looked at the coffee table as he fiddled with his fingers "It's obvious Beomgyu has a crush on you" Yeonjun came and sat on the couch across from them like he didn't reveal a big secret "Hyung don't put more fire on this" the boy pouted slouching back and covered his face with one of Hueningkai's many plushies on the couch.

"Fire?" the boy on the floor asked sitting up looking at his hyungs "Oh wait it's not a problem" Beomgyu put the chicken plushie on his lap but it's big enough to cover his face.

"Will be if you're mean" Taehyun clicked his tongue but his tone was teasing, turning to Yeonjun who's mouthing something Beomgyu looked next to him. He gaped at the male

"He's god"

"Oh wow" Yeonjun and Hueningkai said in disbelief and shook their head "You never compliment us" the oldest mumbled.

"Let's go home because the grumpy hyung will be more upset if we don't go back now" Beomgyu got up throwing the chicken behind him and helping the youngest stand up. Hueningkai took his hand but pouted "I wanna stay with Yeonjun hyung! Please at least tonight!" Beomgyu thought it'll be worse when Soobin finds out. But he nodded, he can ignore the yells from his hyung for a day, for his friend "Alright but I have to go, I'll pick you up around noon. Enjoy your time here" the youngest hugged him tightly nodding.

The grey haired walked towards the door having the others follow him. He opened the door but before he stepped out he looked at the soft-looking brown haired boy "Hey Taehyun can I have your Instagram?" he asked catching all off guard.

"I told Hueningkai to tell you when you asked on Soobin hyung's post, I thought he did" the mentioned boy stepped back to avoid being called out on what he should've done a long time ago. Beomgyu rolled his eyes and looking back at the boy he's talking to, to try not to glare at the one behind the other two "Don't expect too much from a rascal, he never did"

Taehyun looked back at Hueningkai who whistled while looking at the ceiling and giggled "You don't need it if you have my phone number" then winked pushing him out and closed the door.

"Not saying you're whipped but you are whipped" both Yeonjun and Hueningkai said at the same time again, Taehyun turned to them as they pretend like they didn't say anything. "You brats"

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