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Beomgyu walked inside the room without knocking, he saw the male covering his face, obviously crying.

He shook his head already knowing everything without anyone telling him "Let me guess Yeonjun hyung rejected you" Soobin chuckled and whipped his tears "How'd you know?"

"Posting about love is a big giveaway. What happened?" he asked his voice soft as he got close to him. He took out the chair next to the door and placed it next to his friend's

"He said he doesn't love me anymore"

Beomgyu nodded not surprised by the answer "Did you think he was gonna love you forever?"

"I mean he promised and it was only eight years since we broke up"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes "That's the answer, eight years passed since you broke up with him and after those years you tell him you love him" he knows his friend is heartbroken but Yeonjun is in more pain than him "How do you expect him to believe you when you broke his heart?" Beomgyu asked settled on what he could say.

Soobin kept his eyes on the black screen "What should I do?"

"First you shouldn't be on social media for a bit because you'll post things that take suspicious like the last one. Second, keep your distance from Yeonjun hyung unless it's in front of a camera" Soobin scoffed and turned on his computer.

"Oh you wrote a song about Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu asked surprised but didn't show it because shouldn't really be a surprise when eight years passed and he's still in love. Soobin ignored the question and stayed on his home screen. He looked at Beomgyu in the corner of his eye, thinking about it.

"Did he tell you something?" he asked almost getting his answer if he saw Beomgyu mouth yes, but he didn't because he was looking at his feet.

"He's confused, he's going to find his true feelings and then talk to you"

"I can't wait until he wants to. I need to know everything that happened in these eight years!" Soobin got up letting his chair fall and throwing books, papers and pencils off his desk. Panicked, Beomgyu stepped back to the door scared what'll happen next "Stop hyung" he cried out, tears already spilling from his eyes.

"Just go I need to be alone" the male said leaning against the wall.

Beomgyu kept his eyes on the floor "You know you don't have to close up" Soobin looked at him and shook his head "There are things I'll never say" 'Secrets I'll take to my grave'

The black haired opened his mouth to remark but was cut off by the door opening and pushed him "Hyung are we still" Taehyun stopped when he saw Beomgyu quickly whipping his tears. He was about to ask what happened but Soobin got up "Let's go now or we'll be late" he said with a small smile, Taehyun nodded walking out with the image of Beomgyu crying stuck in his mind.

Soobin turned to the male now calm "Don't tell anyone about what we talked about" Beomgyu opened the door more "If someone asks I'll spill because this affects all five of us, not just you, or Yeonjun hyung" he then walked out the opposite way of Taehyun, who's still standing outside and heard what they said.

"Is there something I should know?" the shorter asked with his arms crossed. Soobin looked at him then shook his head "Not that I know of" he smiled "Come on let's go or we'll be late" he wrapped his arm around Taehyun and walked down the hallway.

The blond still not convinced, he saw Yeonjun's bed made and he knows he left early. Something definitely happened.

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