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'Most lovable hyung'
is calling
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Hi hyung

Hey Kai


Are you crying?

Nope *chuckle* I'm okay

What's wrong? You know you can
tell me

I hadn't heard your voice
in a long time
It makes me feel like we haven't
been in touch in years
I thought maybe
You forgot about me

I could never forget Huening
Look you made me cry too
You're too important and special
to me to forget you
You know I'd be with you right now
Hugging you till you can't breathe
for not seeing you for years
But I can't

I forgot how your hugs are like

I forgot how you smiled when you
saw me coming in the room

*Laughs* Beomgyu hyung says it's
still the same
But we won't know until you're actually
here in person

I would love to meet up but I don't
think your manager will let you

He will, I only said that because
someone didn't want me to see you

T-That's understandable

It's really not he didn't think
about how I felt

It's all cool

You only say cool when you're
not okay



I'm not going to lie to you Kai
Being away from you guys was the
most painful thing I've been thorough
in my life it was so hard for me to
understand that you hate me and that
you don't want to see me again. I can't say
how much I wanted to leave the past behind
and move somewhere far away where I won't
remember you but I just couldn't
My heart didn't want to leave because
it had a little hope left, years passed and it
was gone

I'm sorry
I'm so sorry I listened to him instead of
going to you

You were still young you didn't know what
was going on
Don't blame yourself either
Whip away your tears and don't cry anymore
Don't cry because of me

I won't cry if we meet up

Alright if you want I can pick you at the company or your dorm
Wait you moved right?

Nope it's the same one
I'll meet you at the dorm then
Oh and bring Hyunnie hyung too!

I'll drag him

Okay see you
Love you hyung!

Love you too Kai

Wait hyung!


Can you maybe post another pic like you
did the other day?
Of us?

Of course I'll post it right now



End call?
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