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"Hyung please please please!" Hueningkai screeched on his knees his eyes pleading, Yeonjun covered his ears and shut his eyes. He's been hearing the same thing for the past twenty minutes and no matter what he does or says Hueningkai doesn't stop, he's been saying no and shaking his head. Of course the boy won't stop when he wants him to say yes.

"Hyung if you don't say yes he'll keep going" Beomgyu said rubbing his temple, a growing headache from the yelling that's coming from the youngest.

Yeonjun crossed his arms "Hueningkai I already said I won't join Tomorrow X Together" They got the confirmation that the oldest can join but he's stubborn and doesn't want to accept. Reasons.

The boy on the floor wailed with tears streaming down his face "I hate you!" and he got up running out of the room. Taehyun and Beomgyu stood there not surprised but still are

"Taehyun you're in too" Beomgyu said looking at the male waiting for the response, the boy nodded not wanting the same situation as Yeonjun. The now black haired boy clapped his hands getting his phone to call someone

Taehyun walked to Yeonjun "Hyung why don't you want to?" he asked half confused and half knowing the reason. The older deadpanned "Soobin's in the group"

The blond shrugged "That shouldn't matter, you've been a trainee for so long but you've never wanted to be in a group because you wanted to be in txt and now you have an opportunity, but you won't take it?" he wonders if Yeonjun is still heartbroken even after years

"You know I will but it'll feel weird having my ex near me" yes Taehyun knows he's heartbroken but joining the same group as your ex shouldn't bother you if it's your dream is to be on stage. Yeonjun was born to be a singer like Taehyun and Hueningkai say

"Hyung join and you won't regret it, maybe" he whispered the last word but looked at Yeonjun enthusiastically


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