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He knows it was a bad idea, but would you blame him? He kinda asked for it and he kinda did him a favor.

"Are you crazy?" Soobin shoved the door open not listening to the pleading boy behind him "Hyung calm down he didn't mean any harm" Beomgyu walked in front of the youngest.

"Any harm? Twitter is blowing up there are rumors again because he not only did post that picture but on my account! There's fucking dating rumors!" the blue head gripped his hair he's furious and frustrated.

Hueningkai stood up and watched him almost smiling out of satisfaction but didn't, it wasn't the time for it.

"It's not my fault you two broke up, you pushed him away and didn't let us see him. He's like a brother to me, raised me and you prohibited seeing him. It hurt me as much as it hurt him" he stopped tears slipping out then scoffed "I can't even say you're suffering but I will say that you have no right to prevent us from being with someone that had been there from the start before we debuted too heck years before that. You're just a selfish person that doesn't think about anyone else but your stupid, dumb, useless career!"

The boy with tears running down his cheeks left the room leaving the two other males in shock "Hyung you really can't blame him for being like this, Yeonjun hyung is and will be someone important to us" Beomgyu said holding in the tears. He won't break down yet.

Soobin nodded his back facing his friend "Yeah okay" he scoffed when he processed what his friend said "I'm his hyung he shouldn't disrespect me because I didn't let him see someone that's, that'll distract him from his career" the shorter frowned at the response he got "Again, that someone is the reason why we debuted. You can't go on and say you hate him or even worse your life is better without him. Seriously hyung you disappoint me"

The blue head frowned but didn't speak, his back facing Beomgyu and not responding made the other think bad things about him. The grey haired shook his head then crossed his arms "Don't act like you don't care that's how Huening thought you're not sad too, you need to open up" he sighed walking to the door "Talk to us when you're ready" and walked out

Soobin turned around seeing he's alone. He knows he should tell them but he doesn't have the heart to say it, more like the voice to do it. It's best to keep quiet than to tell the truth.

Hueningkai banged on the door not bothering to whip away his tears

The sound of the door unlocking made him calm down "Huening? Oh my god" Yeonjun pulled him in and hugged him tightly, a small gasp was heard behind the oldest. They both knew it was Taehyun.

"I can't take him anymore, he won't stop no matter how many times I tell him. Hyung I can't be in the same room as him without him saying something that has to do with you, he's unbearable and I hate him for god's sake!" Hueningkai cried, Yeonjun already knows who he's talking about. After all, when he left he imagined they wouldn't be on good terms anymore.

"Don't say you hate him he's your hyung that has been with you after I left"

"No you didn't leave he made you and he didn't let us see you again. He's a horrible person!" There's too much anger in him that won't let him calm down his breathing or yelling

"He's not, the Soobin I met was so shy and caring he'd never want to hurt you guys I'm sure he did it to help you not be as hurt if you kept seeing me" Yeonjun walked them to the couch, his hands still wrapped around the younger

"You're only defending him because you still love him"

They stayed silent, that is until Hueningkai realized what he said "I'm sorry hyung"

Yeonjun smiled faintly "It's okay, I know you think he's a bad person right now but he's not, he loves you like you're his little brother. I asked him multiple times how much he loves and cares for you you wouldn't believe me if I said how much"

"Just know he wouldn't want you to hate and leave him because you think he's bad. He's going through a rough time at the moment give him some time and he'll open up, that's what I did when you stressed out about your comeback"

The boy whipped his tears pulling away and nodded but they knew he won't forgive and forget this situation

Taehyun sat next to them turning on the tv "So Huening wanna watch an animated movie?" the youngest nodded enthusiastically taking the controller and scrolled through some movies "Hyung can you call Beomgyu hyung to come?" Hueningkai looked at Yeonjun with big eyes that no one could ever say no to

The oldest nodded walking to the dining table and grabbed his phone "Make popcorn and get the treats I saved for this rascal" Taehyun shouted but at the end shrieked because Hueningkai jumped on him yelling he's not a rascal. The male in the kitchen watched them fondly, distracting him is better than arguing

Yeonjun chucked seeing the two boys going from yelling who's the rascal to fighting over the movie. He turned his phone texting Beomgyu to come over for Hueningkai.

He's not complaining about having his friend here but he will when he's crying and the reason for it is his ex. He has to talk to Soobin but of course he can't because he can't see him. He won't ever admit it but he still loves him.

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