A Declaration of War

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The class was sitting in their seats after Izuku's team introduced themselves. Aizawa had just mentioned the Sports Festival is approaching. The class was given a week off to train.


Izuku's team looked towards the door to see a horde of students blocking the entrance. Izuku got up and went towards the crowd with the girls behind him. When he made it to the front he was met with a purple look alike of Aizawa.

Izuku: Attention students of UA blocking the entrance of class 1A, please step away from the door so we may eat lunch. If this is about 1A surviving a villain attack and you want to declare that you are better than them do it at the festival.

Monoma: Who the hell are you?

Izuku: I am Izuku Djarin of Mandalore and the protector of UA and it's classes. I was hired by Nezu to protect the students along with my team as well as find the remnants of a galactic empire and rescue a comrade.

Monoma: Never heard of you. You're probably just some egotistical asshole who got into UA because of his daddy.

Izuku: My father is not one to chastise. The last guy who did that had a blaster bolt go straight through his skull. If you don't believe me fine. But word of caution, don't pick a fight you can't win.

Monoma: Like that scares me. You're nothing but an entitled prick.

Rey: If there is something Izuku is not it's entitled. I'd like to see you survive his childhood. Not to mention the war he fought in. He has done more for others than himself.

Ahsoka: He has proven time and time again to the galaxy that he deserves his title. Now if you don't mind we would like to get to lunch.

       As the crowd dispersed, the class was amazed at how calm they were. After lunch everyone was dismissed and was heading home aside from Izuku and his girlfriends. When they approached the ship they saw Izuku's past waiting for them.

Izuku: What are you doing here?

All Bitch: We're here to bring you home.

Izuku: My home is Mandalore. Not that Hellhole you call home. You just want me back so Nezu will lighten up your punishments.

Inko: That's not true. I just want my baby boy back.

Izuku: Well it's too late. You lost him when you branded him. My true family is the house of Djarin of clan Visla.

All Bitch: You are coming home. And you are leaving these girls. I never gave you permission to date them.

Vintage: So he is your slave is what you're saying. You will ruin his happiness because it's not what you agree with.

Scarlett: You are just as bad as the Hutts. You take what you want and not care about anyone else.

Izumi: Stay out of this you sluts. This is a family matter.

Izuku: Then they have as much right to be here as you bitch. Call them that one more time and I'll be sure to orbital strike your home.

All Bitch: You wouldn't dare.

Izuku: *Smirking* Try me.

       Izuku puts his hand near his comlink. Soon a slap was heard and everyone saw Izuku's head turned to the side. Inko's had was outstretched in a slapping gesture. She gasps realizing what she's done and takes a step forward with tears in her eyes.

Inko: I-I-Iz-Izuku I'm sorry. I don't know what cause-.

Izuku: Save it bitch. I hate all of you.

       Ig-R4 came out of the ship sensing a disturbance. He scanned the area noticing the hand print on Izuku's face. He stepped between Izuku and his past pointing his blasters at Izumi and Inko.

Ig-R4: Please vacate the area. If you refuse I will be forced to use violence.

Izuku: R4 stand down. I'll handle this.

Ig-R4: Yes Master.

Izuku: You are lucky I don't order for your execution. Now leave me and my family alone or I will use force.

All Bitch: You are coming home with us. That is final.


All Bitch: But sir, he needs to be home with his family.

Nezu: That is not you. Let me remind you of the Brand's meaning. It means the person is disowned and doesn't have the rights of a person anymore. You giving him the brand is signing his death warrant.

       A screaming sound is heard tear through the sky. Izuku looked to the sky knowing that sound very well. Soon a Tie Fighter flew above the school. Izuku quickly went to board his ship but All Might grabbed his shoulder.

Izuku: Let me go Toshinori.

All Bitch: No you are not leaving.

Izuku: If that Tie escapes it will make my job alot harder.*Touches his comlink* Shimi get to the roof and lock onto that Tie. Blow that piece of junk out of the sky.

Shimi: Yes sir Brother.

      Everyone looked to the roof to see a rocket heading towards the Tie. The rocket hit the right solar array. The Tie started spinning out of control crash landing in the forest outside of UA. Izuku engaged his jet pack and launched himself towards the crash site. The heroes arrived only to see a dead pilot with Izuku searching through the ship searching for something. Izuku pulled out what looked to be a computer but it was destroyed.

Izuku: GOD DAMNIT. The only thing I could use to find where they are hiding and it's destroyed. This is all your fault Yagis, if you hadn't gotten in my way I would have been able to track them down. They wouldn't know my people are here looking for them. You just made our job 10x harder.

Izumi: How would they know you are here?

Izuku: This Tie made a transmission before it went down. Now I have to call father and ask him to send a cruiser and reinforcements to protect this sector of the planet.

       Izuku stormed back onto the UA grounds and went into his ship. He cooked for him and the girls. He came up with a training plan for them all including Shimi and Momo.

Izuku Djarin the Neglected MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now