Preparing For A Festival

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Izuku was in his ship working on a project for the festival listening to his music. He was getting ready for a test run when he gets a call from Nezu asking to talk to him. After putting away his project he put on his armor and left for Nezu's office. Upon arriving at the office, Izuku knocked and waited for permission to enter. After hearing a come in, Izuku entered the office and took a seat in front of Nezu's desk.

Nezu: Mr.Djarin, I called you here because of the Sports Festival. I sadly can't allow you or the girls to use your lightsabers. You also can't use your armor.

Izuku: I figured that was what this was about so I already have something made up. I'm going to leave it as a surprise for now. As for my blasters?

Nezu: You may use them but only on stun. I also have a request.

Izuku: Ok what do you need me to do?

Nezu: I want you to sing during the Festival. Before the third round to be specific.

Izuku: Ok how many songs?

Nezu: Three sounds reasonable enough.

Izuku: Alright I'll probably let the girls sing the second one. Also my father is bringing a large group of Mandalorians with him. As well as a Jedi and Sith escort, led by the two Grand Masters, Luke and Palpatine.

Nezu: I see. I will make a special section in the arena for him.

Izuku: Thank you and of that is all I'll take my leave.

Izuku leaves the office and returns to his ship to finish up his project. After testing and working out the kinks, he went to his training area to see Shimi having trouble shooting the target with her rifle. He walked up behind her and shifted her stance.

Izuku: You're unbalanced. You won't be able to aim steadily when your standing with your feet so close together. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Shoulder your rifle, take a deep breath aim for center mass and fire.

Shimi listens to her brother and follows his instructions. She fired her rifle hitting dead center.

Shimi: I did it. Big brother did you see me?

Izuku: Yes I did. You did great. Now go get ready Mom and Dad should be here soon.

Izuku and Shimi head back to the ship and put on their armor and head outside to see a republic star destroyer entering the atmosphere.

Izuku and Shimi head back to the ship and put on their armor and head outside to see a republic star destroyer entering the atmosphere

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The ship hovers high in the atmosphere as three gunships fly to the surface. The gunships landed and the doors opened as multiple Clones, Jedi, and Sith exited them. Mandalorians and their parents were the last to arrive. They greeted their parents with hugs and talked about their Time on the planet so far. Soon Izuku's communicator started going off.

Boba: Izuku. I need back up. Little girl in crossfire and 9 villains trying to get her.

Izuku: Hold on Boba backup is on the way. MANDOA, TAKE TO THE SKY. WE FLY TO HELP OUR BROTHER.

       Soon two hundred Mandalorians were flying in the air towards the distress call.

With Boba:

       Boba was behind some debris using it as cover to protect a small girl with white hair. He popped up and fired a barrage of blaster bolts at the villains hiding in a alley way. Sabine was across town and back up was on its way. Boba had dropped back into cover and was about to toss a thermal charge when he heard singing and smiled.

       The villains stopped attacking and looked around for the source before looking up and seeing hundreds of men and women in armor on top of the buildings and in the air. They looked back at where the one they have been fighting was at to see another man with a strange sword.

Izuku: Surrender or die.

Overhaul: We surrender.

     All the villains put their hands up and were immediately apprehended by the ones in the sky. Soon the heroes arrived and took the villains to Tartarus with a Mandalorian escort. Izuku went to Boba to see him comforting a young girl no older than 5. He smiled and prepared to give Boba the right to be the girl's Buir (Father).

Izuku: I see the girl has become quite attached to you. Hello little one what's your name?

???: I-I-I'm E-E-Eri.

Izuku: Well Eri. I'm Izuku. The man who saved you is Boba. I have a question for you. Would you like him to adopt you?

      Boba looked surprised that Izuku would suggest this. But he knew that he would have asked to be the girl's Buir no matter what. Eri looked at Boba to see him smile and nod. She then looked at Izuku and nodded and said.

Eri: Yes sir.

Izuku: It is settled then your new name is Eri Fett of house Visla. Come let us celebrate a new member to the Mandalorian people.

       They all then returned to UA celebrating. They had a mighty feast and Eri was smiling the entire time. She then asked the all important question.

Eri: Who is my momma?

Put in the comments who you want me to ship Boba with MHA or Star Wars.

Izuku Djarin the Neglected MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now