Sports Festival Part 6

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       A little while after the previous fight, the next fighters were ready being Izumi and Hitoshi Shinso. Izumi entered in with a determined look while
Shinso looked laid back and uninterested. When both fighters entered the ring, Midnight started the fight.

Shinso: You must feel blessed to have two quirks. While some of us only have one or none at all.

Izumi: He's right. I have two quirks while Izuku wasn't even considered to take OFA. I have to win.

       Izumi doesn't waste a moment and charges forward and throws a OFA powered punch at shinso, who can barely brace for the hit, and throws him out of the ring. Midnight declares Izumi the winner as medical bots come and take Shinso to the infirmary. Izumi returns to the classes sitting area expecting to see Izuku there ready to congratulate her. Only to be disappointed to see he wasn't there.

Izumi: Where's Onii-chan?

Kyoka: If you mean Djarin he went to a prep room with his Fiances to meditate and come up with plans for their fights.

       In the break room, we see Izuku and his fiances, sitting with the wooden swords in front of them, meditating for the battles ahead. Izuku soon opens his eyes and grabs a notebook and starts writing a few names down. Momo looked over his shoulder as she saw a few names written down. Those names being, kirishima, Mina, Jiro, Shinso, Padme, and Leia. She looks at him confused and was about to ask why he wrote their names when he answered.

Izuku: I'm going to send a internship to them. There's alot they can learn from not just me but other Mandalorians around the galaxy. But also to learn about intergalactic laws and customs. You will be going with me of course.

Momo: Why would we need to learn that?

Ahsoka: The New Galactic Republic is currently deciding whether or not this planet should join. Considering your space program is still lack luster it's not looking good. Izuku made the point to allow a few residents to learn the laws so you can join but won't have a seat in the council until ready. We would be sending the supplies and learning materials to help but everything else will be on your own.

Momo: So we would need to learn how to achieve space travel to your level.

Izuku: That and to make blasters of your own design. Like that hold out blaster you made. Now Vinage it is your turn and you are up against a girl from 1B known as Ibarra Shiozaki. Her quirk is her hair.

Vinage: I'll end this quickly and be back before you know it.

       Vinage left the room and entered the arena. Ibarra entered the other side and got into a prayer pose. Midnight started the match as Vinage used the force to hold her in place and start pushing her out of bounds. Ibarra sent her vines into the ground to hold herself down. Vinage seeing this used the force to grab the vines and push her out of the ring before she could reach the ground. Ibarra realizing this just accepted defeat and was set on the ground. All the girls won in similar way aside from Momo who used her hold out blaster to stun Tokoyami. It was now Izuku versus Katsumi. Izuku walked out dressed in a regular UA PE uniform as he had a kendo stick on his side. Katsumi stepped out with her eyes covered by her hair though everyone could tell she had been crying and was shaking in either sadness or rage.

Katsumi: How could you Izu. How could you kill Katsuki like that.

Izuku: For the last time, its Djarin to you, and how could I? He was given a chance to back out and to surrender but he denied it. In fact, he said that I should be dead and no one would miss me. Even went as far to say that I shouldn't have been born. Which I can agree with him there I do wish I was never born to the Yagi's and was instead born to my true family. Now then less talk and more fighting, I promised my fiancés a date after this festival.

As Midnight started the match Izuku went straight into the offensive throwing a right punch to Katsumi's gut. As Katsumi keeled over, Izuku rotated and sent his left elbow into the back of her neck. Katsumi hit the ground and passed out as the last thing she saw was the hate in Izuku's eyes. Izuku then walked out of the arena and back to the room with his Fiancées. The next match was Shoka versus Sero which Shoka won by freezing Sero in a giant glacier. The next match was Uraraka versus Iida. Iida won by using his speed to push Uraraka out of the ring before she could touch him.

Midnight: With that we now move on to the second round.

The bracket for the second round was shown as Izuku saw his next opponent was Rey, and decided to ask Nezu for permission to use their Lightsabers. The first match was Izumi vs vinage, as Izumi stepped into the ring as on the other side we see Vinage standing with her arms crossed. Midnight was about to start the match before Vinage raised her hand and spoke.

Vinage: Me and the rest of the girls forfeit. This is Izuku's fight not ours. Though Izuku and Rey would still have their match if Nezu allows their request.

Midnight: Ok then if you are all sure. Vinage, Scarlett, Momo, and Ahsoka have Forfeited. Will Izuku Djarin and Rey Skywalker please come to the ring.

Izumi and Vinage left the arena as Izuku and Rey entered both of which had their sabers clipped to their waist, and their gear on. Nezu soon went onto the speakers and informed the crowd that this will be a exhibition match to show the full strength of the force and the Mandalorians. Midnight then started the match as Izuku and Rey ignited their saber and dashed at each other in a clash. Izuku started overpowering her so she used the force to push him back. As Izuku was in the air, he performed back flip, engaged his jump pack, and used his wrist mounted blaster to distract Rey. Rey deflected the bolts and pulled Izuku towards her. Both then clashed in the middle again but this time Izuku used his wrist blaster to fire a stun round at her knocking her out. After them it was Shoka versus Iida, Shoka won by freezing Iida's engines when he went for a kick.

Midnight: Due to the fact we only have 3 competitors left, the final match will be a triple threat match. Will Izuku Djarin, Izumi Yagi, and Shoka Todoroki, please come to the arena.

       Izuku was the first to enter the arena. He was in his PE uniform but also wore two bracelets and a black vest. Shoka was next followed by Izumi. Midnight started the match as Shoka tried to freeze Izuku only for her ice to be shattered before it touched him. Izuku dashed at her throwing a punch as his hand was covered in a black gauntlet. Shoka dodged and backed away as Izuku's gauntlet turned back into a bracelet. Izumi tried to use her telekinesis to throw Izuku out of the ring but he didn't budge as his vest had a blue glow to it. Izuku proceeded to rush Izumi and slam a gauntlet covered fist into her face. Izumi was dazed and had no time to react when she felt a dart hit her neck as she blacked out. Shoka looked where the dart came from and saw Izuku's gauntlet retract back to a bracelet. She then tried to freeze him again as a shockwave emitted from his vest destroying the ice to show Izuku with another gauntlet on as he punches her in the face knocking her out. The crowd erupted into cheers as Izuku raised his fist giving a loud war cry. Soon Izuku left the arena as they got it ready for the award ceremony. Izuku was met with his family and fiancés as they all hugged each other and started celebrating. During the awards ceremony Izuku stood on top of the podium as he was handed his medal from All Might who tried to hug him but Izuku just pushed him awake as he took the mic.

Izuku: Well then I believe we should finish this festival with a bang shall we?

       The crowd cheered as music kicked on with Izuku singing with Momo singing backup.

After the festival was over UA was alive with celebration as there was a giant fire in the middle of the courtyard. Izuku sat in front of the fire with a glass of water as he stared into the sky as he thought of only one thing.

Izuku: "Soon Ezra we'll find you"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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