Yagi's Secret Revealed

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       Everyone just stood there at the steps of the USJ. No one knew what to do. What do you expect? They just heard that the number 1 Hero was the father of one of their classmates and of the guy who just saved them. The one known as Izuku was standing there glaring at Izumi and her friends. Inko stepped forward but was pushed back by the orange skinned girl.

Inko: Izuku, my baby boy, is that you?

Izuku: What do you want Mrs. Yagi? I have an important meeting I need to attend.

Inko: Izuku, please come home, we're sorry we neglected you for so long. We miss you so much.

Izuku: Why would I want to return to somewhere I was never wanted?

Izumi: Brother, please just come home.

Shoka: Izu please come home. I can't live without you.

Katsumi: I-chan please come back to us.

Izuku: What do you not understand? I'm finally happy and now you expect to leave everything to return to the assholes who made my life hell.

Kirishima: Whoa dude, that's a little harsh don't you think.

Izuku: Let me ask you a question. What did you get from your parents on your eighth birthday?

Kirishima: Some hero merch, a phone, and a couple video games why?

Izuku: I got a brand that marks me as worthless on my eighth birthday all because I was getting something to eat since I haven't eaten in a week then.

Kirishima: Yeah right they wouldn't do that they're heroes.

       Izuku pulled off the pauldron with his signet on it and rolled up his shirt to show a patch of burnt skin in the shape of a Q with a circle and a line through it. The class was shocked and horrified at the mark.

Tsuyu: Izumi, you never told us you had a brother. Much less a branded one.

Izuku: So she never told you about her quirkless brother who was a punching bag for them for four years? Well let me tell you a secret.

Izumi: Brother, please don't.

Izuku: Or what you going to beat me to death's door again. You gonna remind me I'm just a "deku"? That I'm a useless waste of space? You and every single one of your friends beat me till I couldn't walk and then you get called a hero while they said I didn't have the heart or determination and that I was too weak.

?(Ahsoka): Izuku, your father is on the line he's asking for your report on the situation.

Izuku: I'll put him on my projector. Thanks Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: No problem Izu, me and the girls will wait by the exvil spot.

     Izuku pulls out a circular flat device and sets it on the ground. A hologram of a man in armor similar to Izuku's appeared from the device. Izuku bowed in front of him.

Izuku: Father, Class is secured. We have a lead on Ezra Bridger requesting a few more Mandalorians to assist preferably Sabine Ren and her team.

?(Din): Izuku, son, you don't have to bow. You are the Mandalore now, you are king. It's your turn to send Mandalore into a new age.

Izuku: Thanks Dad, I have reason to believe Grand Admiral Thrawn is here. Upon arrival to Earth we received a distress call from here and proceeded to investigate. We came upon class 1a fighting a modified version of the Dark Trooper and a beast meant to kill All Might.

Din: I see. I'm sending Sabine and another Mandalorian to help in finding the location of there base. Once found I'll send a platoon of us to help seige their base and finally end the empire.

       A baby could be heard crying as Izuku gave his father a knowing look. Din looked down and sighed knowing Izuku found out why he called.

Izuku: You and Mom need me to sing Shimi to sleep don't you.

Din: Please she won't stop crying, it's driving us insane. We don't understand how it's only you.

Izuku: Of course I'll sing to her, she's my little sister. You have my music recording?

Din: I have it by her bed like always.

       The man walked off screen until he reappeared by a bed with a small girl. The class can't tell what she looks like because of the blue tint of the holocommunicator(Is that what it's called?). The girl stopped crying when she saw Izuku through the hologram.

Shimi: Izuku, when are you coming home?

Izuku: I'll be home once this mission is over. But guess what? You are coming here to see me very soon ok? Now I need you to be a good girl and go to sleep for me.

Shimi: Can you sing to me?

Izuku: I'll sing to you Dad has your favorite recorded right by your bed. It'll play the tune while I sing.

       Izuku sang and did a little dance for her till she fell asleep and quieted down. Izuku nodded to his father and cut the line after saying their goodbyes. Izuku turned around to see his girlfriends smiling at him and Momo crying recognizing the song. Izuku nodded and opened his arms as Momo ran to him.

Momo: you sang our song.

Izuku: Of course I did, it was the one song that would put you to sleep when you had a nightmare.

Izumi: Izuku who was that? I'm your sister, not her.

Izuku: For the last time, I'm not your brother. I'm Izuku Djarin of Mandalore, that was my father, Din Djarin, and my sister, Shimi Djarin. Now leave me alone.

Tooru: Momo do you know him?

Momo: Yeah I met him when we were kids. He was being beat up by Yagi, the Bakugous, and the Todorokis. We talked for awhile then started being friends. Every night I had a nightmare I'd call him, on a phone I made him, and he would sing that song to me. That was until he ran away on his eighth birthday. Did you mean what that note said?

Izuku: Of course I did Momo. I love you more than anything. Also I need to introduce you to the others and we need to discuss some stuff. I'll meet you at the school.

Izuku Djarin the Neglected MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now