The Start Of It All

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      The day started like any other for the Yagi household except for the rush of two small pairs of feet running to their parents room. The door opens to reveal to small children, both with green hair and eyes. The kids jump on the bed waking their parents.



Inko: Ok, kids go get ready while me and your dad get breakfast started.

      After eating and doing their morning routines, Inko takes the kids to the quirk doctors. When they arrived they waited for their names to be called. When they were called in they did tests to see their quirks. The doctor came back with the results and sat down.

Doctor: Ok Mrs. Yagi, I have good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first.

Inko: The bad news please.

Doctor: The bad news is that Izuku is quirkless. While your daughter has a powerful telekinesis quirk.

       After the Doctor said Izuku was quirkless his world crashed down and was heartbroken. As he saw his mom praising Izumi for her quirk he had one thought.

Izuku:"Did she forget about me because I'm quirkless?"

       Inko thanked the doctor and picked up Izumi and started heading home with Izuku following behind them. When they got home Inko told Toshinori the news and he picked up Izumi praising her leaving Izuku to comfort himself. Izuku went to his room praying that tomorrow will be better.

The next day at school

      Izuku is seen sitting by himself since the class is avoiding him for being quirkless. Soon Izumi and their friends: Katsuki, Katsumi, Shoto, and Shoka came up to him.

Izumi: Hey Izuku, do you still want to be a hero.

Izuku: Yes more than any-

     Izuku couldn't finish his sentence, as he was hit by an explosion, by Katsuki, to the gut knocking him down. Soon the others joined in sending explosions, burning, freezing, and dropping rocks on him till he was a bleeding mess.

Izumi: You'll never be a hero DEKU.

      They left Izuku there walking home. As Izuku was lying there a girl with black hair and eyes walked up to him. Izuku, seeing her coward and curled himself into a ball asking the girl not to hurt him. The girl just held out her hand and a light shown. When the light faded it revealed a roll of bandages, triple antibiotic and some gauss. The girl started treating Izuku's wounds when she asked.

?: Why were they beating you up?

Izuku: Because I'm quirkless, and want to be a hero. What's your name and why are you helping me?

Momo: My name is Momo Yayorozu and I'm helping you because that's what a hero does.

       Momo soon had to leave and left Izuku. Izuku limped home and saw his family eating with the Bakugou's. He walked up to Mitsuki, the twins mother, and tapped her leg.

Mitsuki: Not now Izuku.

Izuku:*Taps again* Auntie I'm hungry.

Mitsuki:*Slaps Izuku* Not Now Izuku.

       Izuku tears up and runs to his room which only has a small cot and nothing else. He cries himself to sleep asking whoever's was listening what he had done. This was the routine for four years, wake up, make himself breakfast, go to school, skip lunch, get beat up, hangout with Momo, go home, get scolded, go to bed without dinner. All until his eighth birthday, Izuku woke up and did his morning routine. Making sure no one was awake he went downstairs to make himself breakfast only to be caught by his parents. His 'parents' yelled at him and dragged him to the hospital. They demanded that he get the quirkless brand as he cries out saying sorry multiple times falling on deaf ears. The doctor came in with a red hot branding iron and put it on his shoulder. Izuku laid in his bed that night until he heard a conversation between his 'parents' and 'sister'.

Inko: Izumi, what we're about to tell you does not leave this room.

Izumi: Ok what is it?

Toshinori: I am ALL MIGHT.*Turns into buff form*

Izumi: Dad's All Might!

Inko: Yep and I'm Green Psychic.

Toshinori: And I want you to inherit my quirk.

Izumi: But what about Izuku he's quirkless?

Toshinori: He's too weak to use the quirk and also doesn't have the heart of a hero.

Izumi: Well I accept.

       Izuku didn't hear the rest of that conversation as he ran to his room and packed his stuff, which was only an extra shirt and shorts, wrote a note to Momo explaining everything, and left through the window. Izuku ran until he bumped into a older man in metal armor.

2 hours before

       Din Djarin, the king of Mandalore, was helping his pregnant wife finding a house to buy for vacations to the planet. Bo Katan was 2 months pregnant and Din was leaving nothing to chance. They had been walking for hours looking at houses and trying new foods and learning more about the planet when this small boy with green hair and eyes ran into Din. Looking at the child we noticed he was injured and had scars all over his body. He was extremely malnourished and was crying.

?: Sorry for bumping into you sir.

Din: It's ok kid, why are you in such a terrible state?

Izuku: My names Izuku and I'm quirkless that should explain it.

Katan: Well why don't your parents help you?

Izuku: They don't care about me. They haven't noticed me since I was 4 and gave me the quirkless brand this morning. They don't even know that it's my birthday today.

Din:"Those bastards did this on his birthday" Why don't you come with us kid we'll give you a true home.

Izuku: Why would you want a quirkless kid when you could adopt a child with a quirk at an orphanage?

Katan: Can we tell you a secret? *Izuku nods* We're quirkless too. We don't come from here. We're from a planet known as Mandalore and we would take care of you and train you to one day take over the throne from us. We see that you have a heart of gold and a spirit of a hero.

       Izuku cries more nodding yes as the new family had a hug before leading Izuku to their ship and leaving Earth for Mandalore and a new life.

Izuku Djarin the Neglected MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now