Meeting The Djarins

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Izuku woke up the next morning and quickly dressed into his work out gear. He walked out of the ship and started his morning workout. He started with a light stretch while listening to music.

A/N: Play song above

Izuku started doing 10,000 pushups, 5,000 situps, 1000 pullups, and 10,000 squats. He ran 10 laps around the school and stopped in front of a clearing where he set a beskar pipe to practice using the Dark Saber. Izuku used all his experience to practice. When he finished, he turned around to see all of his girlfriends standing there. Izuku went up to each giving them a quick kiss and running off to shower before getting dressed in the school uniform and heading to the class with his girlfriends. They arrived at the door and Momo went in and sat at her seat while Izuku and the others waited outside.

Aizawa: Alright Class settle down. As you know we have five new students joining us. They will introduce themselves and explain who they are. You may come in now.

After hearing the cue, Izuku and his girlfriends step into the room and walk to the front. The girls stand on each side of him.

Izuku: Greetings Class 1A. My name is Izuku Djarin. I'm 15, quirkless, my likes are my family, my girlfriends and training with my weapons and armor. I'm technically a king after defeating my father in single combat so they can take care of my younger sister and not worry about the kingdom. I hate my former family and ex friends.

Ahsoka: Hello, my name is Ahsoka Tano, I'm a Togruta. I'm 15 years old. My likes are Izu, training with Master Skywalker, and hanging out with the Clones. I'm a jedi knight meaning I use the light side of the Force. My dislikes are people who bully or neglect others for something out of their victim's control.

Rey: My name is Rey Skywalker, and everything Ahsoka said is the same for me, but I'm human.

Vinage: I am Vinage, no last name. I'm a sith lord meaning I use the dark side of the Force. My likes are training with Master Palpatine, Izuku, playing with Shimi, and sparring against Ahsoka. My dislikes are the same as the other two.

Scarlett: My name is Scarlett. That's all you need to know about me. I'm exactly like Vinage.

Izuku: Before you ask I'm dating all four of them and Momo. The reason being with the four of them it was to create peace among the galaxy and Momo because I never had the chance to confess seven years ago.

Soon the class raised there hands all having similar questions in mind. Izuku picked Kirishima first.

Kirishima: So why do you wear that armor all the time?

Izuku: The armor is my father's the Mandalorian way states that the armor should be passed down from Father to son. Just like most quirks are passed down father to son and mother to daughter, or in some cases combined into one quirk.

Mina: You said you were a king. How you're our age?

Izuku: The Mandalorian people are warriors. When a warrior believes it's time for a new king he can challenge him, Or the firstborn child earned the title by defeating their predecessor and earning the Dark Saber. No outside help or power is allowed. It is strictly hand to hand.

Iida: Ms. Tano, you said you're a Togruta. What does that mean?

Ahsoka: I'm not Human. I'm a alien from the planet Shili in the Shili system.

Aizawa: That's enough questions for now. Izuku, when should your reinforcements arrive?

Izuku: If Dad sent who I think he did they're already here. Ain't that right Uncle Boba?

Suddenly a man in green armor similar to Izuku's came threw the window. The man went to tackle Izuku but he just sidestepped and hand chopped his back. Izuku then moved his head to the side dodging a Blaster bolt. Izuku pulled out his pistol and aimed it at it's source.

Izuku: Nice try Sabine. But it'll be a cold day in the Force when you can get a shot on me.

The class looked behind them to see a female in colorful armor similar to the males. The class was confused at the appearance of the two because no one noticed them, not even their teacher.

Sabine: Damn, I was so close.

Aizawa: Who are you two and what are you doing here?

Izuku: These are our reinforcements.

Boba: I'm Boba Fett the best bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Sabine: I'm Sabine Wren one of the first rebels.

Izuku: They know how to work in the shadows and criminal underground. While we protect the class they will get us some Intel on Thrawn.

Sabine: Also Izuku your parents are arriving in two rotations.

Izuku: Yes, are they bringing Shimi with them?

Boba: Nope, she's already here.

       After saying that a small child in armor like the others ran in and crashed into Izuku's leg. Her armor was the color of Izuku's hair with red and black accents. Izuku returned the hug with a look of shock and joy on his face.

Izuku: Shimi! You passed your trials and earned your armor? I'm so proud of you. But what are you doing here?

Shimi: I asked dad if protecting this class could be my first mission. I don't like it when you are gone. I get scared that you won't come back. That war made you leave for two years. For two years, I didn't have you there to see me grow in strength and determination. I just don't want to lose you like we lost Wolffe.

Izuku: I'm not going anywhere. I will always be with you even in death. Remember when a Mandalorian dies the family takes a peice of their armor. You will have me by your side no matter what. I'll train you so you will be ready to fight any opponent out there.

Koda: W-W-What do you mean by that? A-A-Always by your side after death?

Ahsoka: When a person dies they become one with the force. The Force is a energy that holds the galaxy together. It surrounds us, penetrates us, It gives the Jedi and Sith their powers.

Izuku Djarin the Neglected MandalorianWhere stories live. Discover now