Sports Festival Part 2

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       Izuku was waiting for the others to finish the race as he was working on his speeder. Soon Momo and the rest of his girls finishing 2nd through 6th. 7th and 8th place went to two girls in Gen Ed. Izuku noticed this and recognized them as the queens of Naboo and Alderan but younger. Knowing exactly who they are he glared into the teachers booth specifically a Sith Lord.

Palpatine: He knows it was me. I'm dead.

Luke: Of course he does. You are the only one with a cloning facility and have the DNA of both of them. What did you think was going to happen. I'm still mad that you made not only a clone of my sister but of my MOTHER.

Palpatine: I said I was sorry about it. We were still fighting when I ordered them.

Nezu: Excuse me, but would you care to explain what you mean by clones?

Luke: The two young ladies from Gen Ed that got 7th and 8th are clones of my Mother and Sister. Palpatine over here somehow got DNA from the both of them and made the two that are in your school. My best guess is to find Force Sensitives on this planet.

Nezu: Thank you for explaining. Now then shall we watch the second round?

Din: Of course, my son is proving to have grown in his training. Although I'm not happy he snuck that speeder off world. I would like to see how he will handle this next part.

       Midnight stepped up on stage about to announce the next event.

Midnight: The next event is a team death match. You will make teams of 6 and be given your choice of weapon. Everyone but first place that is. First place will only be allowed to use the pistols of his choice. The object of the game is to eliminate players and take their beacon. Each beacon is worth different points based off your place in the previous round with first place being worth 10 million points.

Izuku: Am I allowed more than one?

Midnight: Yes. You are allowed up to 5 guns and or grenades.

       Izuku steps up to the gun rack and grabs two colt 1911s a Mauser c96 broom handle and two desert eagles. He then moves to the attachment table grabbing a Mauser c96 holster/stock and attached it to his c96, he then grabs extended mags for his desert eagles and 1911s. He then walks over to the grenades and grabs two satchels of claymores and multiple belts of flash and Semtex grenades. Nodding to the girls they stepped up to the gun rack. Momo taking a shotgun and two g-18s. Vintage and Scarlet taking a minigun and a ak-47. Ashoka and Rey took Ar-15s and Barrett 50 cals. Arming themselves with a mix of smoke, flash, and fragmentation grenades the girls walked back to Izuku standing next to him. Soon everyone armed themselves and were ready the only real noticable load outs were the Bakugou twins carrying every type of explosive, the Todoroki  twins carrying shotguns and Izumi with a standard mp-5.

       Sending the teams into a fake city with a beacon to keep track of their points the teams went off to make a base they can place their beacon in. Arriving at the tallest building in the city Izuku placed the beacon halfway up in a room in the middle of the building with only a single entrance. Finished setting up the beacon, Izuku sent Ashoka and Rey up to sniping positions on the roof. Scarlet and Vinage staying by the beacon with their miniguns aimed at the door, Izuku and Momo went to the lower floors setting tripwire traps and claymores around every corner and stayed at a staircase that led to the floor the beacon is on.

       The game started and many teams started searching for bases. One unlucky team entered Izuku's base and was wiped out before getting up the first floor increasing their score. After hearing a team was eliminated from the game already the rest of the teams started being a little more cautious with their surroundings. 5 minutes in and the first three floors were cleared of their traps. Ashoka and Rey shot a total of ten people and Scarlet and Vinage took to being sentries in the windows clearing the streets below. 2 minutes later a team of 4 support students managed to get past them and entered the building. They approached the stairs where Izuku and Momo were waiting. Turning the corner Izuku fired three shots with his c96 hitting the first student in the chest eliminating him. Momo taking the opportunity turned the corner firing twice into the second and third student. Izuku noticing the last one had a grenade in his hand quickly fired off two shots, one in his hand, blasting the grenade away second into his head eliminating him with the 1911s. Izuku sensing a presence behind him shot the invisible target that was Hagakure in her abdomen. The game ended with Team Izuku in first, Team Padme in second, Team Yagi in third and Team Shinsou in fourth. The students were given an hour break to eat and get prepared for the next round while Izuku prepared for his performance and to have a "friendly" chat with a certain Sith Lord.

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