Whose the strongest?

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"What do you look so star-struck for?" Bakugo asked, rolling his eyes.

"It's  my first day here and for the first time ever I get to put on a costume and call myself a hero in training. Some stupid question to ask Blasty" you said, with a dumbfounded expression.

Katsuki stepped in your face once you turned around from grabbing your case, "Look here chum, you're not allowed to disrespect me because you're in MY territory. You got that?" Bakugo snarled.

"No. Now get out of my way.. CHUM" you said, pushing past him and sashaying to the girls locker room.

~Time Skip~

Once you had gotten dressed, you walked back to the classroom and sat down for a moment.

Man! That dude has the audacity! He lucky Ian smack his ass!!

"Hey y/n! It's about time we go to the bus now" Izuku said, walking in the class.

"Hm! Oh okay- Hey, can I ask you something?" You trailed.

"Hmm?" The boy hummed in response, as the two of you walked out the classroom, making your way to the bus.

"What's up with the guy I sit next to?" You asked.

Izuku gave you a nervous look, putting his hand on the back of his neck, "Uhh- don't worry about him- Kacchan is just... a little hotheaded is all" The green haired boy advised you.

You scoffed. "Yeah I can see that." You said rolling your eyes.

~Slight Time Skip: On the bus~

You decided to sit next to Izuku since you were already sorta comfortable with hanging around him.

Everyone (except Bakugo) was talking to you, trying to get to know more about you.

"So, you into Hispanic guys?" Sero said in a flirtatious manner.

"Oh? Who's asking?" You asked, smirking to yourself.

The boy shrugged with a grin on his face "For a friend."

You let out a small chuckle, "Yeah. I got my types I guess" you replied with a shrug.

"Anyways, so my question is.. how the heck can you fly?" Mina asked, pushing Sero out of the way.

"Uhh. I can't exactly explain how I developed my levitation quirk, but I most likely get it from my dad" you tried to explain.

"So is it like an advantage that you get from your quirk or is it like separate?" Denki asked.

"I don't know" you shrugged.

"I've never met someone with a levitational quirk. Do you know why you have it?" Eijiro started.

"Would y'all stfu asking her the same question! She just said she doesn't know....! Damn!" Bakugo aggressively stated.

"Uh oh..." you quietly mumbled to yourself.

Everyone got quiet and looked at each other in silence then bursting into laughter afterwards, you laughing along with them.

You happened to take a quick glance at Bakugo, seeing a subtle grin spread across his lips.

"Is that a smile I see?" You asked raising your eyebrows.

Bakugo's grin quickly faded away as you noticed. "No- wtf- stop looking at me you creep." He said with a defensive tone.

"Awwe no need to get so protective" you teased with a kissy face.

"TCH- SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DUMB NERD!!" Katsuki yelled in a very much protective manner. (Lol)

"Hey! Watch your language and were here so get ready" Mr. Aizawa said.

*Mini Time Skip*

"So, new girl. This is basically teamwork...training I guess. It's to test how well you and your team can work together to defeat the other team. So you're either the villains or the heroes and which ever team defeats the other team first wins" Aizawa explained.

You nodded your head with a look of determination as you already knew what was up.

This is my chance to prove how strong I really am!

"Now that that's explained, everyone get with the partners you had last time" Aizawa said, shooing the kids away to their teams.

You stood alone, looking around as everyone gathered with their partners.

"...Uh...Mr. Aizawa. I- dont have a team..." you quietly mentioned.

Aizawa looked at you then looking for a good team for you to go with.

"I guess you're all alone then" the man shrugged.

There was an audible gasp from most of the class, "But Sensei!" Mina exclaimed, wary of you being all alone.

You stood in the middle of this circle all alone, while everyone was staring at you.

You looked around more nervous than before feeling as if you were going have a meltdown at any moment.

"M-me...going...solo...? You're for real making me do this by myself?" You nervously asked

Damn! I'm shaking! Calm down y/n...it's just some scrawny ass kids, you can handle them...but- then again I don't know what their quirks are either, so I can't underestimate them...

"Sure. Why not. It'll prove your strength and show if you're actually worthy of being here." The man shrugged, walking to the boxes to draw teams.

Coincidentally, you had to go first against...

"Bakugo and Iida." Aizawa called.

OH MY GOOOODDDDD!!! This negro set me up T-T

Bakugo and Iida walked into the building first to set up around the fake weapon, Bakugo sticking his tongue out at you as they walked inside.

You groaned and rolled your eyes not wanting to deal with that hothead. You didn't care about that fistblocker, since he seemed like a piece of cake. (get it? Cause he stopped you and Bakugo from fighting- nvm 💀)

You nervously waited outside the building, waiting for the cue to go inside.

I'm gonna be fine...I'm gonna be fine. Two kids is nothing...yeah. Yeah, I got this! I got this.

"Y/n. The timer is about to start." Aizawa warned you.

You nodded your head and looked at your classmates.

"You got this girl!" Mina motivated you, with a thumbs up. Sero and Denki behind her giving you motivation as well.

You looked at them and took a deep breath, letting they're motivation sink in...

"I can do this!" You quietly said to yourself as you walked in the building as soon as the timer started.

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