Prove yourself worthy

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As you make your way into the building, you take a deep breath trying to calm down. "Alright y/n. You got this" you said to yourself before moving forward.

You were stealthily roaming around the building, praying you wouldn't run into Bakugo, as you didn't have the energy for him. "Man, I don't know what's his problem..." you thought to yourself, "Why does he gotta be disrespectful? It's my first day here and he's already made a horrible impression on himself."

As you were coming up on a corner an explosion quickly popped off which caught you off guard.

What the-

You quickly backed up, waving smoke from in front of your face soon being met with a fist to your jaw. You flew back in shock, doing your best to catch yourself, looking off into the distance to see no one other than Katsuki Bakugo.

"You just had to hit me in my face, huh?" You grinned while holding your jaw. "Of course. It's payback for when you hit me in the classroom. It's an eye for an eye around here extra" he said, lowering his body in a tempting fighting stance. You quickly got into a fighting position as well, ready to get your get back for all the trouble he has already caused you...on your first day at that.

"You gonna make a move or no extra? I'm just waiting for a signal" he smirked, ready to pounce at you. "Go ahead...I don't need a signal to fight '' you snapped back.

"That's fine with me," he said, dashing towards you. You already expected his attack due to you pressing him to make the first move, so you were ready to dodge and make a comeback.

Bakugo quickly made his way to you, activating his quirk to hit you straight in the face, but already knowing what was to come, you swiftly moved out of the way, dodging his attack and kicked him in his back, causing him to fly down the long hallway.

You wanted to be smart and just run to go find the weapon but you were still irritated from earlier...

Nah...He still needs to run me my fade.

"We still not cool, bruh. I'm finna run my one with you, disrespecting me like that" you said angrily. "'re still talking? Do you ever learn to shut up" Bakugo groaned, holding his back. "Bro. Be for real. We literally just met today...and you've already gotten smart with me. You expect me to just take that BS?? Hell no! Run me my one right now bitch!" You snapped.

"You the one that got a problem with me, so run up!" he cocked back.

~In the camera area~

"What are they talking about?" Sero asked. "Y/n looks angry. Maybe Kats said something to her" Mina shrugged. "I know y'all saw the way he punched her in the face earlier. She's probably mad about that" Denki mentioned. "Well, they need to hurry up. Time is running out. Y/n isn't gonna have much time to prove herself worthy if she just doesn't walk away from the situation" Mr. Aizawa said.

~Back in the building~

"Man, shut the hell up! You the one that started the problem! So if it's anyone who should run up, it's you since you got a problem with me! Come get this ass whooping" you shouted with a sinister grin on your face as you were about ready to beat Bakugo's head in.

He stood there for a couple seconds, contemplating if he should do it to you or not, then sprinted towards you jumping in the air with his leg ready to strike at you. You blocked his lousy kick with your arm and aimed for his stomach, successfully hitting him. He jumped back then threw an explosion at your feet causing you to jump above him.

This is the perfect opportunity to get him!

You swung your leg up and brought it down with a strong force only to have missed...Bakugo swung his leg around to kick you but you dodged by jumping away.

Bakugo x Black y/nWhere stories live. Discover now