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floating in a black abyss with no emotion clinging onto. She didn't know where she was, She wasn't aware of anything. She simply settled in the abyss. Unaware of anything happening around her, just settling deeper onto the strange warmth that was wrapped around her body before feeling a swarm of coldness numbing her.

Her [e/c] eyes bursted open, gaze scrunching up into confusion as she heard praises and coos around her— along with a beating heart sounding near her ear. Craining her neck up, she was greeted by a women with a kind smile looking down on her.

She was confused and rattled, her eyes gazed at her own chubby fingers and small body. Her  eyebrows furrowed with confusion— just what happened? One minute she was coated in a warm blanket the next minute she was freezing cold, her pudgy cheeks puffed out as she let out a loud wail.

Tears slid down her rosy cheeks as she looked up at the female that was shushing her. Her [e/c] eyes stared up at her with wonder as the female kept pestering her with coos and soothing lullabies. Oddly enough it was soothing to her ears, the comfort of this women — was nice

That was until memories started swarming in, memories of her old self swarmed into her mind like a virus infesting on one single blood cell before multiplying its own self. Flash backs of her previous life had begun to increase their speed, all resulting up to the end point— how all of this started. Her breath hitched, eyes wide with horror as everything played out before her, she began hyperventilating. Fussing in the women's arms as she let out cries and wails

People swarmed into the room, cooing and hushing her quietly. After the initial shock of being dead and reborn, her conscious was just there; frozen. Thinking, pondering, curious it was mind-numbing. She remembered how she died, some bastard had hit her with a bat.

She wasn't very religious but she believed there was a god out there but who would of thought reincarnation is surreal?

❝ Welcome to the world, [Name] Nara ❞

That was the first thing that led her to believe she was in a different continent, it wasn't in English— no it was in Japanese. Luckily she had taken classes for various languages. [Name]  blinked once again, to think she would have a new identity and a different purpose in life. No—she wasn't the person who she was back in her previous life. She's [Name] Nara an infant. Everything she had worked for in her previous life meant nothing, not a single thing.

[Name] now understood, the quote of 'nothing matters and yet everything matters' she could taste every single minute she wasted on the tip of her tongue.

However the odd thing about it was— her 'mother ' kept changing shape. Relatively [Name] would of blamed it on her blurry eyesight however that was not the case. Her black locks would change into long silky white hair, her eyes would turn into a purple hue with a red eye marked on her forehead with odd shaped oval eyebrow. [Name] frowned as her eyes squinted, She had tried to correct her eyesight but it was almost like she was in the hands of another women.

Her thoughts soon turned into dust as she was placed on the arms of another unfamiliar person, the man smiled down at her. His eyes were twinkling with joy as he let out happy racked sobs. [Name] scrunched up her nose, were fathers always this emotional when it came to the birth of their baby? God— what a nuisance

Who is she to be manhandled and passed around like some common whore? [Name] furrowed her eyebrows as the man was hesitant to pass me to the nurse beside him. Her gaze wavered as the figures before her seem to flicker; usually baby's don't have good eyesight once their born. She suppose she wasn't like most babies

The nurse had laid her down on a glass crib along where other babies were resting. This must be the nursery, her gaze eyed each child. She furrowed her eyebrows, there was a rather large unusual set of batch for children not only that but she could hear the loud footsteps of people running back and forth in alarm.

Had something happened? [Name] couldn't put her finger on it— either way she didn't bother to care. Out of all things, the most interesting concept was a blond haired boy with blue sapphire eyes laying down beside her crib. If she focused enough her gaze would clear and see whiskers on his chubby cheeks along with an odd mark on his belly.

For some odd reason the baby seemed familiar to her— as if she's seen him before. Her gaze narrowed at the label beside his crib, ' Naruto Uzumuaki ' [Name] blinked once and than twice, her pupils widen as she stared at the name written in the label. Her breath hitched— what kind of sick joke was this? Was she this delusional to believe a fictional character was born?

Perhaps maybe someone decided to name their child in respect for the show— humiliating for the kid; god knows how much bullying they might receive. Although the last name 'Uzumaki ' isn't something to come by, a unique last name. Thought she couldn't help but take double look at the baby, he looked exactly like him from the show.

If she didn't know any better, She'll say he looked exactly like the main character. Too much for her liking dare she say.

 Too much for her liking dare she say

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