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annoyance. Her feet dragged behind her as she followed behind shikamaru and Yoshina who kept pestering at them, and essentially to try and do good in class or more like threatening them. [Name] pouted as she stood side by side with him, who knew she was such a haggling women.

Shikamaru mumbled incoherent words under his breath, ❝ this is such a drag ❞ his words were slurred as he leaned against [Name] while choji was at the opposite side of him munching on his own snacks. [Name] absolutely adored choji, he was such a cute child in his younger years and so was shikamaru. The anime didn't really do them any justice if only they had given them more screen time of their childhood years.

[Name] had no qualms to get close to the plot but seeing as it was inevitable she had sorted to going with the flow or as most people would say ' it is what it is ' Thought during the years of getting close with Shikamaru, Choji and Ino [Name] had still given up her free time to hang out with Naruto. As someone that is far much older stuck in a child's body she couldn't help but let her motherly instincts drive her to take care of the boy.

She has taken in the role as a big sister for him, giving him shelter in her home. There was a quote in her past life, a quote that had made realization hit her. The quote reminded her of Naruto— he was a loser no doubt someone who had no family, no friends no one who cared about him. Without a doubt [Name] knew he was loyal towards her it was shown when [Name] had caught the attention of bullies. Without hesitation Naruto had leaped at her bullies throwing fist after fist even gaining his own bruises in the process.

It was a that moment where it had flashed before her very eyes— the quote ' Take a normal kid, raise them up and give them respect and friendship and they will fight alongside with you. Do the same for a loser who had no-one and they will die for you '

An unfair fight, three against one— or well that was before [Name] had stepped in. As a Nara, her knowledge and creativity along with years of experience had caused a spark of inspiration and a hint of Hyuga experience. It had resulted her into remembering a different anime called ' One Punch Man ' she had recreated a skill called ' Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist ' a martial art skill blended perfectly in offense and defense. Although in the anime Garou and Bang would have a powerful blue aura   dripping in their hands, [Name] had chakra coating her hands shaped in a water liquid movement like.

It was a hard technique to create considering she didn't know much about it and couldn't exactly perfect the move. It could fit a Hyuga quite perfectly well with their Byakugan— their dojutsu was perfect for such a technique. But [Name] had no interest to share her technique with the Hyuga— not yet at least it was more of a counter attack sole purposed for the Hyuga to be defeated. She still had a long way to go to continue upping the technique. She'll gain inspiration if she were to fight a Hyuga herself— she'll make their technique better, the anime along with the manga had many tips about their moves and secrets. She won't be using it any time— it was her triumph card. A trick up her sleeve she wasn't yet ready to show to the world.

But it wasn't her only techniques that she had grown to create in this world. She was downright thankful for watching anime in her younger years. Who would of thought it would be so useful and a Nara at that. A clan that specializes in shadow jutsus— she had been taught one of the clans signature jutsu 'Shadow Possession Jutsu ' a jutsu that she had been taught alongside with Shikamaru— it wasn't that difficult for her considering she had great control of her yin and yang; balancing both at its finest.

It was also at that moment she remembered the anime Black Clover. It also occurred to her that one of magic knights captains had a rare magic attribution able to manipulate the element of darkness. He primarily used his magic by channeling it into his katana— it had also caused her to peek an interest in dueling with a katana although she had resulted in using a Tanto for now. In spite of that fact she had a bit of trouble in coating the katana with her chakra — the tanto however was a different outcome. Considering it was small unlike the katana it was a breeze.

Either way [Name] had no full control of the katana the last time she had tried to push past her limits she had fallen into chakra exhaustion. So she had resulted to infuse chakra into her fist like Tsuande and Sakura. She had created her own proto type of brass knuckles to protect any of her bones from shattering out of sheer pressure from her chakra. Considering she had a large amount of it because of her previous life— this world had tried to accustom to her body. It's also one of the reasons why she was always surpressing her chakra from others only letting out unstable amount.

It was at that moment were she had gained a brilliant idea, why not try and recreate Saitamas punches? A bald headed hero held as the strongest man on earth, the anime called One Punch Man about an overpowered main character who could defeat enemies in one punch. Although she couldn't physically recreate his punches here it just wasn't possible. She could barley create half of his strength but it was enough she would suppose for future enemies— of course with the added strength of the wind element. It was a large considered boost— she was lucky enough to gain such a rare chakra affinity along with the most common fire. Two chakra affinities that increase both in their power. [Name] surely had luck on her side.

The first time she had used the move she created a hole in her house along with trees collapsed in the backyard. She was than asssulted by Yoshina nagging voice and Shikaku pestering voice as to what she did. She had only merely answered a fluke in her hypothesis— a lie no doubt that he understood she wouldn't be saying anything. Yoshina was frightening in every aspect but the deer were far more terrifying with their blearily black eyes piercing at her soul.

 Yoshina was frightening in every aspect but the deer were far more terrifying with their blearily black eyes piercing at her soul

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