16 | C H A P T E R

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the soft swaying of the boat had nearly rocked him to sleep. And he would of— but he couldn't. Not after he saw that look on her face.He recognized that look fairly well. It was the same look he had when he witnessed his clan's massacre. When he saw his brother— no that murder kill his parents without a second thought. So why? Why would she hold such a look on her face? Perhaps maybe it was because of the sudden attack? But even he knew she was much more persevered than that idiot.

So than why? Why did she hold such a look on her face? It was unnerving. It had nearly caused him to panic. She saw something— he knows she did. He didn't know how much he should stress it out, nevertheless no one holds such a look unless they saw something. She had skeletons in the closet that much he knew. He couldn't help but glance at her again, she always seemed off to him. Ever since they were little she never really acted their age. She tried too— but she couldn't. It was too forced— it wasn't right.

❝ This fog is so thick you can't see anything❞ [Name] didn't have the energy to agree with her fellow Kunochi. No— she had matters that were far too important to even dwindle in pointless conversations. She was far too deep— everything she knew, everything she understood was shattering into pieces before her eyes. She could feel herself sinking deeper into the shallow ends of an abyss, knowing full well she couldn't comprehend the truth about her existence. She couldn't tell if she was ignorant or being unable to accept the horrid truth. Either way if it was a dream or the cruel reality. There were only two choices for her. She could accept the dreadful truth of her new reality or she could choose to play ignorant and turn a blind eye.

She was beyond tired of differentiating the two, so instead she has let herself sunk deeper. Sitting there, dissatisfied and unblinking, the Nara had decided to join her teammates in their pointless chattering.  ❝Tazuna, before we reach the pier I want to ask you something. The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore ❞ Tazuna, ridden by guilt could only nod helplessly. Who knew the mission would turn out like this.

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