6 | C H A P T E R

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her heels were planted firmly on the ground. She had gained the ability to sleep upright— an ability hard to accomplish if she were to say so herself. She zipped straight up as she felt a hand rest on her shoulder,

❝ I swear [Name] you're just like Shikamaru! zero motivation what so ever! ❞ Ino puffed out her cheeks as her arms crossed over her chest. Sakura only giggled as she watched the female nag the other. Huffing and puffing, Ino pointed her nose upwards

❝ you're such a pain Ino ❞

[Name] frowned as she slouched against the tree bark. Ino let out an urk as she lunged toward [Name] screaming out in anger— [Name] let out a yelp as she ran behind Sakura using her as a human shield ❝ C'mon guys don't fight! We're suppose to find that rare flower sensei told us about! ❞ Sakura spoke in protest as she tried to lesson Inos rage.

❝ Ma' I'll go look... somewhere ❞ [Name] nurtured under her breath as her feet shuffled closer to the shadows in case of a needed escape route ❝ as if! You're only gonna go off somewhere to laze around! ❞ Ino lunged toward [Name] ready to tackle her. [Name] let out a shrill scream before lunging toward Sakura shadow. Black ink tendrils wrapped around her frame as she disappeared into the abyss.

Creeping out of the shadow, [Name] dusted off any particles that clung to her clothes. She enjoyed the atmosphere and the cold breeze the Naka River brought to the people. It was also the place where Shisui met his demise— such a shameful thing really. Not only that but he was very handsome she was quite jealous of his good looks and long eyelashes.

[Name] scoffed, who would of thought a man would be much prettier than a girl could ever be she spoke in her foreign tongue muttering curses under her breath. She froze as she heard footsteps behind her, she hadn't noticed their chakra perhaps they were hiding it. No one else knew this spot unless—

❝ hello! What was that gibberish you were speaking? ❞

He wore a tight lipped carefree smile on his face, a smile that was strained. He certainly heard her speak in her foreign language and that wasn't good. It would only raise suspicion towards her but if she were to deny it— she doubt she could fool him. ' Shisui Uchiha, you really are annoying' [Name] stepped back, eyes narrowing on the shadow beside her, if things took a turn for the worst she would have a way out. Her tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth

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