Last year

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The last few weeks with Damon have been amazing. My parents left to go on a church trip so it's just me. I called Damon but got no answer. I spent my day cleaning up and just laying around. I texted him and called him again but got no answer. It's 9 at night and we haven't talked all day. I decided to drive to his house just to see if he's okay. Normally I'd walk but our neighbor got a new dog and he loves to run at people so I'll just waste gas. I knocked on his door but got no answer. His dads car is gone. "Damon" I said while knocking. "Shit what are you doing here" Damon slurred as he opened the door. "Are you okay" I asked. "Go home" he said. "Why" I asked. "Because I said so" he said then took another sip of the vodka in his hand. "Did something happen" I asked. "Nope" he said. I looked behind him and saw a bunch of broken dishes. "Where's your dad" I asked. "Gone like fucking always he can't stand to be with me" he slurred. "Can I come in" I asked. He opened the door just enough for me to walk inside. All around was broken glass. "What's wrong talk to me" I said. "I don't want to fucking talk Blair" he snapped. "What's wrong" I asked. "Nothing"  he yelled. "Stop yelling I'm
Just trying to figure out what's going on" I said. "You don't need to know Blair I'm not a fucking puzzle piece" he snapped. "I thought maybe talking might help whatever's wrong" I said. "If I wanted to fucking talk I would've answered all the fucking calls" he yelled. "Okay" I said. "You'd think you'd get the hint after you called me 5 fucking times and I didn't fucking answer well news flash I'm not in the fucking mood for you" he snapped. I started to cry. "Okay sorry I shouldn't have came here" I said. I stepped over the broken glass and opened the door. "Shit" I heard Damon say from behind me. "Blair". "I get it you don't feel like dealing with me" I said. "No I'm sorry please come back inside" he begged. I walked back inside and he shut the door. "It's the anniversary of my moms death it's been a year" he said. "I'm sorry" I said. "My dad left this morning he said he can't be home right now which I understand he blames for what happened" he stuttered. He put the vodka down. "It was a accident" I said. "I didn't tell you everything that happened" he said. I grabbed both of his hands. "You can tell me anything" I said.

                        LAST YEAR Damon's POV
The music is loud and it smells like hot weed. I took another sip of my drink. "Damon" someone yelled over the music. I looked over and saw Harvey walking towards me. His girlfriend Mindy was crying and chasing after him. "Please let's just go" she begged. "So you fucked my girlfriend" he snapped. "Yeah and I let her suck me off great work by the way Mindy" I said. "You think this is fucking funny" he snapped. "Hilarious" I said. "How would you like it if I fucked the girl you loved" he yelled. "Well I don't love anyone but I've got a phone full of numbers if you need to find someone" I laughed. Before I knew it his fist was flying at me. He punched the fuck out of me but not hard enough. I punched him once and he fell to the ground. "Fuck you" I yelled while punching him. I just kept going and going. I heard sirens but I didn't care. I heard noises all around us but I just kept hitting him. Suddenly I got pulled off of him by a officer. Before I knew it I was handcuffed and but in a police car. I watched a beaten and bloody Harvey limp out of sight. I got taken to the police station and I waited for my mom to pick me up. "I can't believe this Damon my god" my mom snapped as we got into the car. I said nothing. "Your brother was asleep and it's poring and I get woken up to bail you out of jail I can't wait till your dad gets back from his business trip"she snapped. The rain came down harder as we started driving. "Hello do you hear me or are you to stoned" she asked. "I wish I couldn't hear you" I said. "Look I get it your a teenager but this whole asshoke act is getting old and I don't like it" she said. "Good thing I'm not living to make you happy" I snorted. "Your grounded" she said. "Whatever" I said. As we argued by 2 year old brother Koby started to crying. "Fuck Koby shut up what the fuck are you even crying for" I yelled. "Don't yell at him" my mom yelled while slapping my arm. "I hate being in this fucking family" I yelled. "Well you don't" she started to say. It happened so fast. One minute we were driving then the car hydroplaned. My mom tried to get a grip on the wheel but it was no use.we spun off the road. The car flipped and crashed into a tree. Everything went black. I don't know how long had been but when I woke up my vision was blurry. I couldn't move. My eyes finally focused and I looked over. My moms head was bleeding and her body was limp. "Mom" I said in a low voice. No answer. "Mom" I said again. "Mommy" I said as I began to cry. I managed to move my hand. I shook her hard. "Mom please wake up please" I begged. Nothing. "Mommy please please I'm sorry I'm so sorry please wake up mommy" I cried while shacking her. But I got nothing. Suddenly I thought about Koby. I looked in the backseat. His car seat was tilted and he wasent moving. "Koby" I said as I shook him. Shit. "Koby" I cried as I shook by baby brother. "Koby I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I'm sorry" I cried. "Mommy pease wake up I didn't mean it I don't hate you or Koby I was being mean please I'm sorry" I begged. Nothing. Nothing from either of them. I started to look for my phone but I couldn't find it. There's broken glass everywhere and I can't move. I tried to get out the car but I couldn't. My blood mixed with the heavy rain. I started to scream. "Help please somebody help" I yelled. But I got nothing. I honked the horn but still. After I stopped screaming everything was silent. No crying. No breathe. No mother. God if your listening please just take me. Please I'm begging. Just take me I can't do this.

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