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The last two months have been amazing. I'm doing really good in my online classes and I'm so happy with my relationship. I was doing a essay for my health class when Damon finally decided to wake up. "Well good morning sunshine" I said happily. "Good morning" he said sounded tired. "How did you sleep" I asked. "Good Only because of you" he said. "Stop it your making me blush" I said. "What are you doing" he asked. "A essay for my health class" I responded. Last month Damon decided to get a part time job at our local car repair shop. His dad is the manager so it was actually easy to get. Apparently he wants to be more respondsable. "Sounds boring" he said as he got up. "It's not that bad, what time are you getting off" I asked. "Probably 5" he said. "Okay" I replied. He leaned down to kiss me then walked into the bathroom. "James is throwing a party tonight he posted it on Instagram" I said. "What does that have to do with us" Damon asked. "I kinda want to go" I said. "Why" he asked. "Because the last party we went to was actually fun" I said. "You almost kissed James and I fucked Hannah how was it fun" he asked. My stomach turned at the thought of both of those things. "I love you" he immediately said after. I guess he had the same sick feeling" "I love you too but I really want to go just to feel like a normal teenager" I said. "You really want to go to that shit" he asked. "I do" I said. "Fine but we're not staying all damn night" he said. "Fine by me" I said with a smile. After Damon was ready for work he left and I continued writing my essay.

Hours later Damon and I arrived at James house. "Are you still sure" he asked. "Yes" I replied. "Here we fucking go" Damon sighed as we walked inside. Immediately I smelled alcohol. "Hey" a girl said from behind us. Damon and I both turned around. "Hey Hannah" Damon said. Oh. No. "Blair right" Hannah asked. "Yeah" I said. "I'm Hannah" she said. "It's nice to meet you" I said. "You too" she said. "So do you need something" Damon asked. "Actually James wanted me to ask you to go talk to him upstairs" she said. "She's not fucking going upstairs with him" Damon snapped. "Not Blair, you" she said. Damon looked down at me. "I'll be okay" I said. "I'll be quick" he said. He kissed me then went upstairs. "Do you want a drink" she asked. "Yeah" I said. We headed to the kitchen and got drinks.After spending 10 minutes with Hannah I actually started to like her. "Do you think we can be friends" she asked. "I don't know" I said. "I know you know about Damon and I but honestly that meant nothing and it was purely physical" she said. "Well at least your honest" I said. "Even if I did like him like that I wouldn't try anything I can tell he's assbackwards in love with you" she said. I couldn't help but smile. "And it's clear that your just as assbackwards" she laughed. "I am"I said. "I'm happy for you two" she said. "Hey Hannah" someone said. "Hey Harvey" Hannah replied. "Hi" the boy said. "Hi" I replied. To say this boy was gorgeous was a understatement. His hair is dirty blonde and his eyes are the color of the sea. "I'm Harvey" he said. "Blair" I said. Suddenly someone yelled Hannah's name from across the room. "Do you wanna come with me Blair" she asked. "No I'm okay" I said not looking away from Harvey. "Okay I'll be back later" she said. "How come I never see you around" he asks. "I don't really party" I said. "Why" He asked. "I don't know I just never really wanted to" I said. "So what brought you here tonight" he asked. "It's my friends party" I said. "How do you know my causin" he asked. "James" I asked. "Hannah" he replied. "She used to kinda be with my boyfriend" I said. "Your boyfriend" he said. "Yeah" I said. "He's here" he asked. "Yeah he's upstairs" I said. "Damn" he said. "What" I asked as i took another sip on my drink. "Your beautiful" he said. "Thank you" I said with a smile. "You wanna play beer pong" he asked. "Yeah" I said.

Harvey and I won every single round we played. "Okay I'm done" I laughed. "For someone who doesn't party your really good at beer pong" he said. "I'm just shocked as you are" I laughed. He moved a peice of hair out of my face then put his hand on my shoulder.

                  Damon's POV
"What the fuck do you fucking want" I snapped. "Just chill out Damon damn" James said. "First you try and ruin my relationship then you tell Blair you fucking like her and you want me to chill" I snapped. "I just wanted to apologize what I did was messed up but I'm not sorry for telling Blair how I feel" he said. "She's mine" I said. "She already told me she loves you why do you think I haven't tried anything else" he said. "She does" I said. "I know" he said. "The bet was fucking stupid we both fucked up" I said. "I really am sorry man" he said. "It's fine Blair and I are good so there's no need to keep bringing it up" I said. "Right" he said. "So now that that's out of the way" he said then pulled out a small bag of weed. "Wanna roll up" he asked. "Of course" I said. After about 30 minutes of smoking and drinking I knew I need to find Blair. I've been gone a long ass time. "I need to find Blair" I said. I began walking down the stairs and scanning the room. Finally I saw her standing in a corner. Then I realized something else. The blonde asshole flirting with her. Fucking Harvey. The fucking Harvey that I fought. The fucking Harvey that put my ass in jail. Fuck no. "Blair" I said. She looked over at me and smiled. "You took forever" she said. "I know I'm sorry" I said then kissed her. I put my arm around her then looked at Harvey. Harvey looked pissed. Yeah asshole you wanna fuck her and that's what I'll be doing tonight. "That's your boyfriend" Harvey asked. "Shocked" I asked. "I'm just shocked that you stopped fucking half of the town long enough to date someone" Harvey snapped. "Do you two know each other" Blair asked. "Yes sweetheart we do remember how I got arrested for beating the shit out of someone well that's him" I said. Finally everything made since to her. "Maybe we should go" she said. "Why" I asked. "Because your drunk and high and last time that didn't go well" she said. "Maybe he should go and you should stay" Harvey said. "No" I said. "Why scared I'll do to you what you did to me" he snapped. "Oh you mean Mindy yeah she was good but Blair's the best" I said. "Damon let's go" she said again. "Your so cute when your worried just calm down" I said. "Yeah she is" Harvey said. "I know" I said. "So did you actually stop being a fuckboy or are you just lying about it and fucking every girl you see" he asked. "Don't push it Harvey you remember what happened last time" I said. "Look at you still a fucking loser Blair you can do better" he laughed then tried to touch her arm. I stepped forward and grabbed his arm. "Don't even fucking try it" I snapped. "Why not you did" he snapped. "I didn't even have to try trust me she was glad to have my dick in her mouth I barley even had to say hey" I said. "Right I'll remember that when your girlfriends screaming my name when I fuck her in the bed you two sleep in" he said. With that I punched him. "Damon" Blair yelled. Harvey hit me back instantly. I could feel the blood from my busted lip. We both hit the ground hard but didn't stop hitting each other. I got on top of him and just kept hitting him. In the distance I could hear sirens. Harvey stopped hitting me. I got up and saw Blair standing in the corner. "Come on" I said. I grabbed her hand and we started running down the street. "We have to go to your house" I said. I knew what was coming. Hopefully this would buy me some time.

Blair's POV
"Why would you do that" I snapped. "He was going to try to fuck you" he snapped. "Yes and he was going to fail" I said. "Yeah well shit happens" he said. "So you think I was going to is that it" I asked as we walked into my quiet house. "I didn't fucking say that" he snapped. "No but you sure sounded like you wanted to" I snapped. "If your thinking about it that much then maybe you should go back and let him" he snapped. "Your doing it again" I said as I started crying. "Doing what" he asked. "Acting like your old self" I said. "I'm not the same person I was a few months ago so for you to even say that" he started to say. "Then why are you acting like that" I asked. "I'm sorry okay I just I don't know I'm a fucking idiot" he said. "Yeah you are" I said. "I'm sorry" he said as he hugged me. I pulled away from him and just starred. I could look at him all day. "As pissed off as I am it was hot" I said. He smiled "what was" he asked. "The way you punched him. Your not scared of anything. It's so hot" I said as I took off him jacket. I kissed him then he said "pause I need to shower there's blood all over me" he said. "No it's fine" I said then kissed him again. "Your turned on by it" he asked with a smile. "Yeah" I said then kissed him. "Your more fucked up in the head then I thought" he said as he kissed me. "Is that bad" I asked. "No, it's hot" he said then kissed me again.

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