Am i a bet ?

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It's been 3 months since Damon and I started dating. It's pure bliss. The night he told me he loved me was the night I knew I'd be his forever. I love him. So so much. "Blair" my mom yelled from downstairs. I opened my door to see Damon walking up the stairs. "Hello gorgeous" he said. "Hi" I said. He kissed me then walked into my room. "I didn't know you were coming" I said. "I just wanted to stop by I have something to do today" he said. "What" I asked. "Some stuff for my car" he said. "Sounds boring" I said. "It is" he said. "Well I'm glad you came to see me" I said. "Me too" he said. "What are your plans for today" he asked. "I have two online classes but other then that nothing" I said. His phone beeped and he said "that's my cue to leave". "Okay bye I'll see you later" I said. "Bye I love you" he said. "I love you too" he said. After Damon left I did my classes and read a little. After a few hours I called him but got no answer. I decided to just go for a walk. As I walked around the corner I saw Damon's car at his house. Maybe he didn't see I called ? I decided to just go to his house to see if he's home. His dads truck is gone so I know he's gone. As I walked closer to the house I heard two voices coming from the backyard. U opened the gate and walked into the backyard. Damon was leaning agents the house with his back facing me and in front of him was James. Janes looked at me but said nothing. Before I could speak Damon said "I don't want the fucking money I told you that". "What changed your mind" James asked. "I agreed to that shit before I knew her so keep the money" Damon snapped. "Did you tell her" James asked. "No we're in a good place and it doesn't mean shit to me there's no need for her to know" Damon said. "She deserves to know" James said. "Look James it was a stupid game that's over now let it the fuck go" Damon snapped. "Do you remember how fun you thought it would be" James asked. "Yeah I do" Damon said

*flash back from the night of the party*
I left Blair in the kitchen alone. "Hey Damon" Hannah said. "Hey" I said. "You came here for me" she asked. "Maybe"I said. Hannah and I went upstairs and did exactly what I wanted to do. She's a good time. Nothing more. When I went back downstairs James was hitting a joint. "So Blair" he said. "What about her" I asked. "She's hot" he said. "Yeah she is" I said. "I bet she's one hell of a time" he said. My blood ran cold. "Maybe" I said. "I think I'm going to ask her out" he said. "Did you miss the part where she came here with me" I snapped. "Weren't you just with Hannah" he asked. "Do you have a point" I asked. "I think she's cute so I'm asking her out" he said. "Maybe I'm already fucking her" I said. "In your dreams" he said. "I could be if I wanted to" I replied. "Sure" he said. "Do I need to prove it" I asked. "You know what I'll give you $300 if you can fuck Blair in five months" he said. "Give me 3" I said. "And if you don't" he said. "I will" I said. "But if you don't I'm asking her out and you can't say shit because you lost" he said. "Fine" I said. "It's a bet" he said. "It's a fucking bet" I said.

                      Blair's POV

"You were so confident about winning" James said. "Yeah and I won but it's over now so let it the fuck go" Damon said. "You don't plan on ever telling her do you" james asked. "No I don't it won't do her any good knowing about it and your not going to tell her either you need to get over your fucking crush on her" Damon snapped. "I dont have to tell her" James said. "You wont" Damon said. "I don't have to you just did" James said. Damon's body got tense. James walked past him and stopped by me. "I'm sorry" he said then walked out the gate. Damon turned to me and I quickly went to the gate. "Blair" he said as he grabbed my hand. "Don't touch me" I said. "I'm sorry it was stupid" he said. "Am I bet" I asked. "Blair" he said. "Am I a bet Damon am I a freaking bet" I yelled as tears fell down my face. "Yes" he said looking ashamed. "You're disgusting" I said. "Blair I didn't take the money I felt awful about it" he said. "Oh how selfless of you, you didn't take the money that you won in a bet that you made on your girlfriend god your such a saint" I snapped. "I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry" he said. "I trusted you" I said. "I know I'm sorry it was so stupid I'm sorry" he said. "I need to go" I said. "Don't do this please don't leave me" he begged. "I'm nothing but a bet" I replied. "Don't say that baby your so much more the bet it was before I felt this way about you" he said with a desperation I've never heard before. "You won" I whispered. "I don't give a shit about the bet. I don't want the fucking money I only want you baby please" he begged. He could barely get his words out. Tears were streaming down his face. I've never seen him like this. He was always so sure of himself. But now his whole demener was crumbling. His whole world was falling apart and he had no idea what to do. "I have to go I can't be here right now" I say. "Please just stay and talk to me I know you mad but please"he begged. "I'm
Not mad about the bet because like you said you didn't know me or love me. I'm mad because you never once told me about it. You made me fall for you knowing you bet on me. You kept everything from me. I can't even look at you without thinking about how you bet on me" I say. He looked at me with sad eyes. He knew nothing he said would change how I felt in this moment. He knew I was going to leave. Seeing him like this made me want to somehow try to fix things but it's not my place to fix this. I didn't break it. "Please" was all he said. "I need to leave" I said. "Please don't leave like this Blair you can't leave thinking that I don't care about you" he said. I said nothing. I knew once I walked away there might be a chance I wouldn't forgive him. He knows that that's why he's so scared. Im to upset to even want to hear what he has to say. I don't care. A part of me wants to leave him and this whole thing and just try to fix my heart that as of now is broken into a million tiny pieces. "We can get through this" he said. I knew he wasn't going to let me walk away. Not physically nor emotionally. "We can't" I say. I'm so angry and hurt but that doesn't change the all consuming love I have for him. But this. This hurt isn't just going to go away. The reason I haven't walked away yet is because I still wanted to be with him. One part of me is completely angry and furious at him and just wants to be as far away from him as possible but the other is still in love with this broken boy. Before I can say anything else his lips meet mine. In complete Desperation he tries to kiss me with as much passion as possible. But I don't feel it. I don't want it. "No" I say as I push him away. He lookes at me more broken then before if that's even possible. "Bye Damon" I say. I walked out the gate."Baby please I know I fucked up but please just talk to me" he begged. Tears ran down my face as I began walking down the street. "Blair jut please talk to me" he begged. I was so focused on him I didn't even notice the car pulling up next to us. "Blair are you okay" Lucas asked from his car. "She's fine" Damon barked. I didn't reply I just continued crying while looking at Lucas. "Blair get in the car please" Lucas said. "Blair no stay here" Damon said.i looked at Damon who looked frantic. "Whatever we had is over" I said then got into the car."Blair please just get out the car"Damon yelled.Damon began beating on the window and screaming at Lucas. "Please just drive" I cried.He did just that. "I can't go home"I sob.  "we'll go somewhere else" he said. "Thank you" I said. "No problem" he said. "Do you wanna talk about it" he asked. "No" I said. "Okay" he said. "Can we just go for a drive like we used to do" I asked. "Yeah" he said.

I sat in the passenger side of Lucas's car as he drove around aimlessly for hours the whole time I was trying to regain my strength.

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