Part 20

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Nafia pov

soo i'm eight months and i'm sooo ready to be a mom it's crazy, but i get kind of mad when i cant do the things that Shelya and alyssa do.Like go to clubs on their free time and get wasted with the rest. Jacob has been on my side through alot, by alot i mean mood swings wired food cravings. Last night i cried because he wouldn't let me see his d!ck, he still didn't let me see but I'm all good now.

Alyssa pov

sooo ray and me are super good, We love each other alot, but i really want kids. I want kids so i can complete my beautiful life with Ray. But i don't know if ray feels the same, i hope he does.Seeing my girls shey and naf having kids makes me want to too. I really love him and if he really loved me then he would try to get me pregnant right??

Sheyla pov

heyyy My birthday's coming up this week!!! I wanted to Turn up super hard but i want nafia to have fun so i'm having a nice house party.Still gonna be turnt up though.Roc an i are married and Jr is 5 in a half years old and bad as hell.I love him though

So i guess that was a lil recap sorry i haven't updated in...OMG SOOOOO LONG

so enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nafia Pov

so i'jm going to my pregnancy classes, i'm the second youngest there since this 17 year old just joined. It's really fun and my teacher is nice.This time alyssa is coming with me.Shelya would come but roc invited her and Jr to go to his mom's dinner,even though his mom cant stand Shelya.She only likes roc and jr. . I got dressed into (look in comments & reviews to see the outfit) Alyssa's birthday passed not too long ago and now she's 20,im 22 and shelya is 21.Roc is 21,jacob is 22 and ray is 20.

Alyssa pov

sooo i took a shower and got dressed (look in comments &reviews to see ma outfit) I stared into the mirror and rubbed my stomach as if i was pregnant and smiled. it would be a joy if i was i'm gonna talk to ray about it tonight, he always use 'work' as an excuse for not having kids at the moment but i've been with him for three years and we're married (u know three years isn't alot) so we should be thinking about kids rigggghhhtt???

Sheyla pov

So i was all dressed for this stupid dinner for roc and his ma. I don't know why she didn't like me but all i know is she always gets my name wrong, and she is completely rude! And all i can do is be respectful every time she let a slick comment about me out of her mouth.

Alyssa pov

so we are finally in the car and talking about pregnancy and ishhh, i was a little jealous because she was goin on and on about her dream of having kids and how happy she was. She told me that the Doctor said her babies can come at any second because she was suppose to give birth at 6 months since she was having twins and her babies don't have a lot of room. But the Doctor said that the babies were premature so it was fine but she has to have her babies in her eight month or else it means she had a miscarriage. But she kept blabbing on and on , i don't know why but Nafia wanted everything to be late, she even wanted he baby shower to be late it was this week on Saturday and today was Thursday, her Doctor said it just the pregnancy kicking in and they tend to do 'weird things'

As we step inside i see alot of pregnant women, with the fattest ass bellies you could ever see. I know that's stressful.

Pregnancy Class teacher= PCT

Pct:Good evening Nafia

Nafia:hi Mrs.Puff (im sorry i was thinking about spongebob)

PCT: oh. who's your friend? (eyes look over at alyssa and makes a toothy smile)

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