Untitled Part 24

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Picture above is Nafia and Jacob...too cute<2. Unfortunately, this is the very last chapter and it will be awfully short lol. I should have put pics of all the couple earlier in the chapters but I didnt know how until like part 21 i think idk but anyways. Yeah enjoy!

This short chapter will be in Zonnique's point of view only.

Zonnique pov

"Ugh F'ck!!!!!!!!!" I screamed throwing a vase near Breaunna's face. She was tied in a chair with blood dripping from her wrist, nose, and mouth. "I hate you!!"

"I'm sorry Queen, i'm so sorry. I didnt know!!" Breaunna pleaded.

"F'ck that!" I yelled decking her in the face with the metal gun I was now holding. "Terra grab me a knife and some lemon juice" I smirked. Once Terra did what she was told, I took no hesitation into slitting her neck, and cutting her skin as her screams and pleads filled the room. I ignored her as I poured the lemon juice on her, causing her to cry. I shook my head. "This isn't good enough. She needs more pain. Hand me the acid". Once the word acid was brought up, she went crazy. I covered her mouth with some duct tape before grabbing the acid.

"This wont really hurt her thought nique" Terra butted in.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She should be stripped"

"Perfect" Was the last thing spoken from me as I roughly kicked the chair down, and in an flash she was fully naked. I took no hesitation once again. I carefully poured the burning acid on her body as she cried, screamed and a whole lot of extra. I hated seeing her face so I spilled a bucket full of gasoline on her as I lit a match.

"Why?" I spoke, basically to myself since she was half dead. "They look nothing alike!!!!!". Was the last thing that screamed out my mouth before I dropped the match on her and instantly the fire started to cover her body as she rolled around and kicked. "Bye bye, b!tch". With that, Terra and I ran out fo the house.

As soon as I stepped foot in the passengers side of the car, I busted into tears. Great, just great I hate her, she got what she deserved. Now that b'tch is somewhere out there still living.


Well yes frankly this is the end. Probably still confused well if you are, Trust me you wont be in the sequel. Bye!!!

Do you think Breunna deserved to suffer?

Why do you think Zonnique and Terra even did that to her?

What do you think happened?

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