part 8

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so lets sum it up evryone went to jake's and btw jake stands for jacob latimore and look in comments and reviews to see wht evryone is wearing exept jake

the next day....

every left the party exept alyssa and ray

alyssa pov

uuugggh wht happend ...,and why am i laying in a bed naked....and why do i smell like liquor and vodka.....wait oh hell no i slept with someone when i was drunk

end of pov

???-(wakes up)mmm oh hey-ALYSSA!


ray-aye nice boobs (smiling)

alyssa-(puts covers over her)ray!


alyssa-(gets up and puts her clothes on)wait oh no i didnt

ray-idk wht we did but all i know is tht i see a used condom and cum everywhere on the bed

alyssa-jerk i hate you!!(runs out)

ray-alyssa!(smacks lips)man(puts clothes on)

at nafia house

nafia-jacob stop tickiling me(laughs)

jacob-(laughs)nope(tickles her harder then stops)

nafia-(breaths hard)

jacob-i might be able to make you do tht one day

shelya-aye did anyone see alyssa and ray at the party

roc-they probaly got drunk and banged

every one stays quiet for about 5 seconds then say nawww


jacob-ill get it(opens the door)its alyssa!

shelya-yo where were u

alyssa-i left ...the party was gettin boring

evryone hugs alyssa childishly then alyssa runs to the bathroom to throw up

alyssa pov

uh oh

end of pov

nafia-ewww alyssa r u okay

alyssa-uh ..yeah

shelya-roc do i look fat

roc-no baby

shelya-naf do i look fat

nafia- yup

shelya-(gives her a death glare)lets go to the gym just you me n alyssa


alyssa-(comes out of the restroom)im done eww(grabs a bottle of water)where we goin

shelya-to the gym


at the gym(look in comments and reviews to see the outfit)

shelya-we gotta go


shelya-bcuz i forgot how cute boys r at the gym

nafia-girl u betta keep yo eyes on roc n thts it



nafia-u okay u look weird

alyssa-yea ..oh im good..yea

nafiaNshelya-who did u bang at the party


shelya-come on liz we know you just by ur face


nafia-so who was it

alyssa-uh well was...ya see it was raaay


alyssa-shhhh and ..yea i guess



alyssa-(smacks lips)you guys

nafia-okay okay sorry

shelya-so let me het this straight you got drunk then you just slept with him is tht correct

alyssa(rolls her eyes the takes deep breath)yea

nafia-does ray and jake know about it

alyssa-well ray know about it but not(runs itno the bathroom to throw up then comes out)



nafiaNshelya-you're ..pregnant!

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