part 9

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alyssa-what ..what are you talking about were throwin up and u just ya know

nafia-u're pregnant

alyssa-no im not come on lets go get a pregnancy test

the girls get a pregnancy test and alyssa took all three

alyssa-okay nafia wht does the first one say


alyssa-oh god the next one


alyssa-n the last one


alyssa-how bout we get this cleared up by goin to the docter


at the docter....

nafia-hi may we speak to docter hogarth

nurse-yes who's asking for her

shelya-um alyssa



nurse-...(typing)okay the docter will be with in second

30 seconds later..

nurse-ms.alyssa the docter is ready for you

in the patient's room

docter hogarth-so ms.alyssa wht can i do for you today?

alyssa-uh.. i think i might be..pregnant

docter hogarth-okay lay down on this bed for me

alyssa-(lays down)

docter-so have you been feeling nauseous latley

alyssa-not alot i have been having morning sickness though

docter hogarth-okay dont worry im going to need a urine test please can you

alyssa-yea i know(goes in the restroom pees and isht)here

docter hogarth-okay wait a few minutes

10 minutes later

docter hogarth-okay well you're test came out negative

alyssa-wooh thank god

docter hogarth-(chuckles)

alyssa-then why was i throwing up

docter-did you drink any kind of alcohol

alyssa-yesterday night

docter-wht did u eat before tht

alyssa-nuthing really now tht i think about it

docter-thts th reason your body can never take any drug on an empty stomach just like medicine cuz its a drug


shelya-wht they say r u knocked up?

nafia-yea r u r u r u

alyssa-nope thankfully

shelya-aw so im not gonna be an auntie

nafia-guess not

shelya-shut up

alyssa is home all by herself untill ray pops in

alyssa-ever heard of knock

ray-yea but i dont do it

alyssa-well can you at least do this and get out

ray-not until you tell me somthing


ray-do you love me sorry wht

ray-do you love me... because i love you with every part of me

alyssa-i already saw evry part of you

ray-(laughs)n i already saw evry part of you


ray-(kisses her)

alyssa-(kisses back)


roc-so shelya you wanna go somewhere

shelya-not until u tell me the truth about somthing

roc-sure baby and whats tht

shelya-why did you cheat on me


shelya-dont even try to lie im not dumb i knew at the very start but i was waiting on u to come clean about it see it's one thing to cheat on the person tht u say u love but it's another thing to lie about it

roc-shelya look

shelya-no u look we're through

roc-no please i been dumped terra when i relized it was wrong

shelya-oh yeah how long did it take u to realize tht ..huh..was it when you f*cked her

roc-okay u really wanna know


roc-we dated before u and me then i asked you out so if anything i cheated on her with you!!!!

shelya-once a cheater always a cheater(leaves the smoothie place)

roc-shelya please i love you(tear drops)

shelya pov

dang its hard to breakup with someone like him especially when they cry god help me plus we known eacother for half a year now

end of pov

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