Part 1

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uShely,Nafia,and alyssa are all at burger king and alyssa is talking on the phone

Alyssa-.........wht the Hell u mean nuthin bad......this nigga here.....ugh Bryan idgaf who she was why were your lips on hers......wht a thot.........she is a thot......oh so u defending her now......(hangs up in his face then slams her phone on the table)jerk!

Nafia-what he do now

Alyssa-u know wht IDC anymore im SICK of of boys when I get home im rippin all my August alsina,and trey songz pósters down

NafiaNshelua-NO GIVE THEM TO ME!

alyssa-im done with boys for this whole semester

Shelya-says the girl who gets a new boyfriend in a week

Nafia-(looks at the time on her phone)we gotta go i have cheerleading practice

Shelya-d*mm so do i


Nafia-alyssa why wont u just try out for cheerleading

Alyssa-u know me im way too clumsy i cant even do a cartwheel without my shoe falling off and hitting roc where the Sun dont shine



Nafia-uh oh shes thinkin about roc again

Shelya-(smaks her lips)no im not naf u get on my nerves

Alyssa-you know ITs true come on

Shelya-okay maybe a Lil

Nafia-i feel like hes gonna ask her out

Shelya-(cheeks get hot red) lets go drop u off lis

Nafia fríos alyssa off at her house

Shelya-bye lizzy call me


Nafia-see you tommorow

Alyssa pov

I walk in my room to see my tv on ,a empty Bag of takis on the floor and ants all on the bag


end of pov


Roc- SUP lil sis

Alyssa-(face gets red) were u in my room watchin tv

Roc-Yea so wht

Alyssa- WHY

roc-my cable Box broke

Alyssa-well u should take care of your stuff

Roc-ugh u sound like mom

Alyssa-and did u eat my takis and leave then leave them all over the f*ckin floor

Roc-oh Yea my bad

Alyssa-(face gets super red then storms out)

Alyssa pov

Ugh roc is such a pig I spend about 2 hours vaccuming and geting rid of the dumb ants one son of a b*tch bit me

End of pov

«the next day»

Alyssa pov

I woke up took my shower and put my hair in a side bun then I put on some Blue Jean leggings and my purple and white jordans with a white shirt and a big purple heart on it I put on my small purple heart earrings with a white and purple striped headband

End of pov

Shelya pov

I woke up took my shower and put on my green regulaur shirt with asome short Jean shorts and my jordans then I curled my hair SWAG

End of pov

Nafia pov

I took a shower and put on my pink skinny jeans with some black army boots and a regualaur rainbow colored shirt and put my hair in a ponytail

Alyssa pov

I had to get a ride from roc why cant I get a car huh im 18 I used to have a car but a few things broke before we left for school our Mom n dad wanted to talk to us

end of pov

Mom-alyssa.. roc we hVe to go on this 2 week busniess trip



Dad-alyssa we understand honey so we bought u a car

Alyssa-.........a what

Mom-a car Its outside

Alyssa-(goes outside to see. White convertible)AHHH OMG OMG

Mom- s'il vous plait prendre soon de la voiture (please take care of the car in french)

Alyssa-je promets (i promise I will)

Roc-aye speak english now!!

Dad-well we are gonna ne gone for two whole weeks see ya kids love u

Alyssa-ok et merci (okay and thank you)


Mom-she said okay and thank you

Alyssa pov

The reason my dad doesnt know french is because he isy stepdad him andyom met when I was 16 and roc was 17 thought u should know bute n roc call eachother brother and sister

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