Part 22

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OInly one chapter and one short chapter after this before this story ends and then i will be going on to the sequel.....

Picture of Jr Above(Shelya and Roc's kid), isn't he cute. The pacifier thooo Lol, he's adorable....

Alyssa pov

Awww Jakayla and J.J are toooo cute. Omg they are sooo tiny, they had Nafia's skin tone for sure but it seemed like they were getting lighter by the day(skin tone not weight ), and Jacob's hair texture. They were both most definitely Jacob's twin. Nafia? Ehh not so much lol don't tell her I said that though. They've been doing a lot more things together s a family, even though it's not much things newborns can do...don't get me wrong they're the cutest wittle babies I've ever seen but they cry...a lot. Newborns cry often, but not like the twins. Jr. cried but not like the twins did, they were so spoiled since they were newborns so they cried if they need something, which was usual for babies who couldn't speak, but when they the same time...Ugh!!! Currently, they are 7 week old and since they are premature they are being breastfed which is disgusting to the boys and hard for Nafia.

As for Chres and Shelya, Jr. has been getting into a lot of trouble lately, lmao he bad as hell but cute as hell at the same time but seeing him get bigger was so .....I don't even know the word for it. He used to have a crush on Nafia since he was one year old because he cried for her and listened to her more than he listened to Chres but now that he's 3 years old he's been crushing me now, he know how to talk, but not fluently. He just says things that others say so we try not to curse in front of him. Now Chres and Shelya's relationship is weird tbh, they are super cute sometimes then weird and stupid at others it's hard to keep up with them that's why no one takes them serious anymore it's like they're putting on a show because one day they'll be mad and biting each other's heads off then the next day they'll be all lovey dovey.

Me? Well, I'm kid less still. But now, I don't even seem to care. At first I was jealous of Shelya for having kids, and when Nafia was pregnant I was jealous then I snapped out of it? What to be jealous for? They are my girls so I should congratulate them every step of the way, that's what a real friend would do. It's been 4 whole weeks since me and Ray tried having kids but I never get pregnant, I went to the doctor and she said there's nothing wrong with me. It still makes me mad, but I learned to not let it get the best of me.

Now we never mention his but we do have jobs. Jacob, Chres, and Ray became basketball players over three years ago. As for Shelya, she likes t sing on her off time and Nafia....they do gymnastics and they're really good at it, they be doing splits and all types of shit I know I cant do, but I dance, hip hop dancing. Only for fun but my professional job is a actress, and director like the female version of tyler perry.

It's weird, because it felt like yesterday when i got into a car accident with Ray, and how i started dating Jake, ray was being an asshole but little did i know he was just hurt and jealous, just how i felt when i saw that bitch over at his place and when he threw that money at me. Then we hated each other for a few days, until that party and we got drunk and slept together, causing me to loose my virginity first :/ then how we all thought i was pregnant but i wasnt......Then Shelya got pregnant and told Chres but he wasnt too happy about that..he was a complete asshole about the whole situation and the way shelya slapped him im surprised that mark isnt on his face til this day. It seems like jacob was the only one who wasnt a asshole to his girl. He never cheated on Nafia, he never disrespected her in any way as possible, and he stepped up to become a man for the twins they now have.... :)

Btw everyone im gonna start using quotation marks now instead of the play scenes for example

"Wassup" He said dapping me. CHECK

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