Part 23:Happy Birthday!!!!

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Picture of Angel above, she's only one years old

Most of this chapter will be in my pov

Before I start let me put everyone's age out there:






Alyssa:20 turning 21 in this chapter

C.J August:idk i think 2 or maybe 1/2 (btw the slash means in a half)

Angel August:1

JaKayla Perez:10 month(yes I'm skipping to 10 months)

J.J Perez:10 months

Alyssa's POV

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday too you happy birthday dear Alyssa. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang. I had even much gotten out of my bed before they paraded me with songs and presents. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, noticing I was in my bra and underwear with one of Ray's big shirts over me. I looked over at ray who held a medium sized cake, shelya who had the J.J in her hands, Nafia with Jakayla in hers, Roc holding a few presents, and the same with Jacob. I got teary eyed for some reason as I covered my mouth.

A/N Btw this isnt my actual birthday date -_- I had to make it fit in tho

"What you crying for?" Shelya asked with her eyebrow raised.

"Tears of Joy, shey" Nafia answered.

"Aw" all of them managed to say at the same time. Some reason I couldn't control myself, so I ran inside of the bathroom as I cried my eyes out...Why the hell was I so emotional for no damn reason. Before I knew it, Ray was in the restroom comforting me as my cries quieted down.

"Baby, why you cryin?'"Ray asked, hugging me.

"I dont even know" I sobbed.

"Well stop, it's your special day babygirl. get yourself all clean and come down stairs so you can open some presents"

"Ok". Then after that he was gone. I took my shower, pulled on my white T that read I dont argue, I explain why I'm right in bold black letters, my black legging, my white combat boots, and to top it off I pulled my curly hair in a high ponytail. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear the babies giggling and those little birthday horns blowing. The laughter that filled the room caused me to be more happy about this day.

"There goes the birthday girl" Jacob's loud ass announced, causing everyone to turn their head.

"Took you long enough" Chres chuckled, exaggerating.

I laughed. "Yeah whatever"

"So the party is a hour away, anyone need to go somewhere?" Nafia asked, tickling both JaKayla and J.J

"I do" I spoke up, grabbing my keys.

"Where you gotta go?" Ray questioned.

"I goota go to the party store. They have these new birthday pranks. Like cake, presents. But none of them are real. See ya!"

Shelya shook her head. "Alight, be back soon. Nobody needs the birthday girl to be late"

"Okay". That was the last thing spoken from me before I left, got inside of my car, and drove off


When I got to the store, I noticed the things I came here for wasn't here. So I walked up to the cashier's desk to see this cute, tall boy. He was wearing a bucket hat, and he had hella tattoos. I snapped out of it as he looked down at me.

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