part 12

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alyssa-ray what on earth could you possibly want

ray-somebody's cranky

nafia- wht u want ray

jacob-well get dress ladies we r goin out somwhere


ray-yea it's call black beauty

alyssa-is this a resturaunt or a hair salon

jacob-foreal guys they call it tht becuz u supposed to wear all black

nafia-it's a dress code!

ray-yea but it has seafood,italian food and-

alyssa-ooh i love italian

shelya-cuz u r italian

alyssa-no im french nd indian

at the resturaunt .....(look in comments and reviews to see the girl's outfit it's so beautiful)

the girls ar getting dressed

alyssa-im doooone how i look

nafia-oh someone showing her boobs tonight

shelya-why u dressed like tht

alyssa-idk i just feel ike giving ray a boner

nafia-(laughs)how my hair look(curling it)


shelya-how these shoes look

alyssa-cute but why u aint wearin heels

shelya-im preggo remember? i just dont feel right wearin them

alyssa-i respect tht


alyssa-(starts applying lipstick on herself while lookin in the mirror)

shelya-im about to put my dress on(goes into fitting room)

yea the restroom has a fitting room btw

nafia-(comes out)how this dress look?

alyssa-ooh cute

nafia-thx(puts her earrings on)im really happy for shelya

alyssa-right me too but idk wht's wrong with roc it's like ever since he heard the big news he's been out of it


the girls r all done

the boys r too

ray-ima tap tht tonight

jacob-(laughs)right come one the girls r waiting in the car

roc-i got a lemo driver

ray- great lets go

in the car...

roc is sittin by shelya,alyssa sittin by ray,and nafia is sittin by jacob all in the back seat

roc-ya know shelya u could've got into somthin more sexier than the ya know like some heels


roc-okay silent treament huh ight u got tht

shelya-(thinking in her mind)*i know i do nigga*

at the resturaunt.....

waiter-(hand them the menus)wht drink would you like

ray-(opens menu)evrything is in french


nafia-u know wht tht means

jacob-sure do

shelya-evryone know wht tht mean


evrybody exept alyssa-alyssa!

alyssa tell the evryone wht the menu says no thwy ordered

waiter-okay and drinks?


roc-a beer


jacob-red wine



waiter-r u sure ma'am


waiter-comin right up


okay lets skip to 4 months.....

ray and alyssa r married,so r nafia and jacob and roc purprosed yea they forgave eachother,but they wont get officially married untill 5 more moths when the baby is born

tht's it right now i'll update later byee!!

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