5. these heifers got nothing on me

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"you a calf bitch, you my daughter"

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"you a calf bitch, you my daughter"


woken up from his nap with doja. well their cuddling session, when his phone rang. that woke doja up, and she wasn't too fond of the idea of actually doing anything today. "ski, can you please answer it" she asked softly and he nodded while grabbing his phone from the nightstand

ski rolled his eyes at the caller. it was his ex, desereii. ski and desereii had been dating for 2 and a half years before she cheated on him multiple times with his ex friend, kid trunks or ming. desereii had been calling ski for the past 3 months telling him that she's sorry and that it was all a mistake. ski knew better though, he knew she was lying. desereii was just after ski's money and his fame. at first he thought she actually loved him, but sadly she didnt

ski reluctantly answered the call and sighed. "desereii, stop calling my fucking phone. you cheated on me multiple times, i'm not gonna take you back. get that shit through your fucking thick ass skull" he said into the phone aggressively 

"stokeley, baby it was a mistake. ming meant nothing to me. you were all i wanted and all i still want" she replied and amala saw this was gonna be something that interrupted her nap. so, she took stokeley's phone

"hi, this is stokeley's girlfriend. i'd appreciate it if you stopped calling my man, he's not gonna take yo cheating ass back because he doesn't want you. so you know, move the fuck on because he's a taken man" she said with a slight attitude. ski looked at her before chuckling, doja handed him back his phone

"i mean you heard my girl, stop calling me. i'm taken" he said before hanging up. doja looked at him "why don't you just block her crazy ass" she asked. he laughed "the crazy part is, she is blocked. and yet, her calls still go through" ski replied and doja's eyes widened 

"woah, how the fuck?" she asked and he shrugged "mane i don't know" he replied. they both laughed before doja sat up on ski. she stretched her arms out, slightly arching her back. "you playing a dangerous game mama" he said to her and she realized what she was doing

"sorry, force of habit when i stretch" doja told him, ski nodded "it's cool" he replied. "uh what time is it?" she asked and he looked at his phone "shit, its uh 7:49" he told her and her eyes widened. "shit, ski as much as i've enjoyed my time with you. i need you to take me home, we're filming for kiss me more tomorrow and i gotta be on time" she asked and he nodded "okay, get up and get your stuff ma. lemme get my keys and shit" he replied and she nodded while getting up and putting her shoes on

she grabbed hers and his keys from his dresser before handing him his keys and putting hers in her small purse from the night before walking out of his room. ski following behind her, they walk to the front door and ski looks at doja "you got everything? your phone? purse? keys? airpods? allat?" he asked her and she checks her purse to see everything is there, so she nods and he opens the door

they walk out and ski locks the bottom lock before walking to the elevator, ski's rings reflect onto the elevator and that makes doja realize she's still wearing one of them

they step out and walk to ski's car, he opens the door for doja before going to his side and getting in

he starts the car and asks for doja's address, she puts it into the gps and ski pulls off

while ski drives, doja plays with his ring she was still wearing. she planned to give it back, she just wanted to keep it on until he was outside her house and she had to leave him

after about 30 minutes, they pulled up outside of doja's house. she looked at ski " i had a really good time with you. can we do this again sometime?" she asked sweetly and he smiled "course ma, you always welcome at my place" he replied and she reached over and hugged him

he hugged her back and they stayed like that for a bit before she pulled away. she opened the door and got out. she was about to walk to her front door when she remembered something, doja was still wearing his ring

she turned to him, and slid the ring off "i almost forgot to give this back" she said handing it to him, he shook his head "keep it, it looks better on you anyways" he told her and she smiled

she waved at him before turning around and walking to her front door, she unlocked it and walked in. ski made sure she was in before pulling off and driving back to his place

doja immediately went upstairs and took a shower. she then took her wig off and put on some pajamas

she set an alarm to wake her up before plugging her phone up and opening apple music. she put on "can i" by alina baraz and drifted off to sleep

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