7. cash rules everything around me

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"got the methane, im a farter"

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"got the methane, im a farter"


laying in her bed cuddled up when ski's phone rang. he looked over and saw it was his vrothers wife, ally lotti

he answered it and saw a smiling ally "stokess, come get ur manssss" she said giggling while showing ski what jarad was doing, ski rolled his eyes and smiled "i can't right now, i'm with my girl- i mean i'm with doja" he replied and ally nodded "come over later, cus juice been crying sayin you don't love him anymore" she said ski nodded while laughing before they hung up

doja looked up at him with big doe eyes, he looked down at her and kissed her forehead "i see you're up lil one" he said to her and she nodded "i'm tired still" doja says while sitting up on ski's lap and rubbing her eyes

ski puts his hands on her hips to help balance her, she reaches down and starts spinning the circle inside his chain. he laughs "baby, why you always playing with my jewelry?" he asked her playfully, doja's head snapped up at the pet name

"baby?" she questioned and he coughed "i mean uh, shit" he said awkwardly and she smiled "i liked it, i like the way you say it to me" doja tells him with a innocent smile

ski smirks at her, and bites her lip at as his eyes travel down to her chest. her bouncy c cups were practically bursting out of her tank top

doja noticed where he was looking and put her hands on her boobs, squishing them together. ski laughed at her antics before leaning over and kissing on her chest. he felt her body tense up, so he rubbed circles on her hips to help calm her

ski started to travel up and kiss on her neck. he found her sweet spot and sucked on it lightly, making doja let out a soft moan

doja wrapped one of her arms around his neck and used her other one to balance herself as she began grinding against him

ski pulled away from her neck, smirking at the hickeys he put on her. he then looked up at her, how angelic her face looked

doja leaned down and hovered over his face, teasing him with the thought of a kiss. ski rolled his eyes at her and pulled her head down, kissing her lips softly. he felt her entire body relax, as she pulled away 

she giggled and stokeley smiled at her. there wasn't any woman quite like her, she was weird and shy. he liked that, he liked her

she turned her head focusing her attention on her kuromi plushie, she grabbed it and handed it to him "i have two of these, so i want you to have one" she told him

his smile grew and he took it with no hesitation "i'll cherish it baby" he told her and she kissed him again "i know you will, just like i cherish your ring you gave me" she told him while holding her hand up to show him

he saw his ring sitting on one of her perfectly manicured fingers, he took her hand and kissed it as he watched as her face turned a deep red

doja and ski were sitting there in bliss, just admiring each other until her phone pinged. she reached over and grabbed it from her night stand

she opened it and saw it was rico, she smiled at rico asking could they hangout tomorrow. she missed her friend deeply, it's been a while since they had just hung out

doja doesn't have many friends, people saw her as too soft and thought she was truly innocent. which made them not want her around

however rico told her they were like "yin & yang" and that rico loved having her around. she never felt so happy that someone was truly interested in being friends with her

that's probably why when stokeley wanted to be around her, she was over the moon with joy. she loves meeting new people and building bonds. both platonically and romantically

doja was daydreaming about all of the stupid shit her and rico were gonna do tomorrow when ski pulled her back into reality by lightly tugging on her belly ring

"you were in narnia, so i thought i'd bring you back to planet earth love" he told her and she nodded "oh okay, but please be careful with pulling on that. it's new and still kinda hurts" she says to him and he nods understanding

"i'm sorry mama, i didn't know" he tells her and she pecked his lips "it's ok, apology accepted" she replies and ski reaches up to move a piece of her hair that fell on her face

"you're so fucking pretty mals, like genuinely" he says to her and she blushes "you're pretty too stokes" she told him, stokeley looked slightly confused and doja giggles "i never believed in compliments being gendered, a man can be both beautiful, handsome, pretty, just like a woman can be" she says to him and he nods understanding

the two just stayed like that for a moment before deciding they were both hungry, they got up and raced to doja's kitchen

ski got there first and doja pouted "that's not fair! your legs are longer than mine!" she said while crossing her arms

he just laughed at her and looked her up and down. she had short, thick, stubby legs and was the height of a child who was in middle school standing at a whopping height of 5'3

he towered over her tiny frame with him being 5'8, he found it cute how she even thought she could outrun him with her tiny legs

"not my fault you're the height of a 10 year old" he said to her and she lightly punched him in his arm before opening her fridge

she looked for something until her eyes landed on a box of pizza from the night before, she pulled it out and put 2 slices of 2 plates. she heated them up and handed a plate to ski who thanked her before they walked over to her couch and sat down

they ate and doja took their plates to the kitchen to trash them, when she went back over to him. she sat down on his lap, shifting her weight to her feet so she wouldn't hurt him. he was kinda skinny and she didn't wanna crush him

she felt kinda self conscious around him, she saw the type of women he normally was with. they were all smaller in size compared to her. however stokeley didn't mind her thickness

he still thought she was beautiful, and ski knew what she was doing. it was the same thing his other thick ex would do. he thought it was annoying, doja has sat on his lap before and he was fine

he pulled her down onto his lap firmly so that doja lost her balance and was forced to put her weight on him, he kissed her shoulder "you're fine okay? you're not hurting me or crushing me, i promise you you're not. okay princess?" he whispered to her and she nodded "okay" she said as she turned the tv on

they ended up watching one of dontai's old streams and just enjoying each other's company. ski was trying to muster up the confidence to ask doja on a date

right before he left, he asked her and she said yes. he did it, he was a step closer to getting the woman he found himself deeply infatuated with

he drove home with a smile on his face knowing that he finally asked her out and she said yes

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