2. got steak hoe? got cheese?

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"got me A1 sauce, please

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"got me A1 sauce, please. these heifers' got nothing on me"


sat down somewhere. she sighed looking around hoping to spot rico. just as she was about to give up, she saw bright lime green hair and heart grillz

her face lit up and she rushed over to the person knowing it was rico "mariaaaa!" doja yelled to the person

they turned around and it was indeed, rico. rico opened her arms "amalaaaaa! my baby!" she said as doja jumped in her arms

"ughhh mariaaaaa have i missed you my love" doja told rico before kissing her cheek. rico put doja down and rested her arms around her hip and let one one of her hands rest on doja's ass

"bitch, let's get you a drink. you seem sober" rico said to doja and she nodded "yes please, only way i'll survive tonight is if i'm shitfaced" doja replied

they both laughed as they walked over to the bar. the girls decided to order a full bottle of hennessy and split it between them

they paid for it and walked back to where doja had been sitting. the two girls opened the bottle and took turns passing it around until it was gone

about an hour and a half had passed and the two were now on their second bottle. they were talking about random shit until doja noticed a biohazard tattoo and a red durag

"no fucking way" she said out loud and rico looked at her confused "bitch what? what happened" rico asked

doja giggled and pointed to the person and rico chuckled "ohhhh, you didn't know ski was gonna be here?" she asked doja and she shook her head no

"bitch you knew?" doja asked rico and she nodded "yea, i was with x earlier and he told me him and ski were gonna make an appearance tonight" she told her

"i'm gonna go say hi" doja said with a goofy smile, rico laughed at her best friend "mhm, and imma go say hi to x. meet back here unless one of us goes home with them?" rico asked and doja nodded "deal" she replied before they both got up and hugged

rico walked off towards x and doja grabbed the rest of their bottle before walking over to ski

ski was talking to some girl but it wasn't anything memorable. he started looking around and saw his vrother feeling up on rico. he was a little suprised but unfazed

he then felt someone tap him and he turned around, he was about to be an asshole to the person until he saw it was doja standing there with a half drunken bottle of his favorite drink and a goofy smile

"hi ski" she said to him and he smiled "hey doja" he replied. doja wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist

the girl ski was talking to scoffed "if you were taken you should've said so" she said before rolling her eyes and walking away

"finally, that bitch was mad fucking annoying" ski told doja and she giggled "i could tell, she was just rambling about bullshit that you obviously didn't care about. she has a nice ass though, you should've hit" she replied biting her lip slightly at the girls ass as she walked away

ski chuckled "that's wild ma" he said to her and she shrugged. he reached down and grabbed the bottle of hennessy from her and drinking what was left of it

doja watched him do it and she was astonished "how the fuck did you just- i- okay" she said and ski laughed "i can drink this shit like it's waterr" he told her

doja nodded before pulling him over to where her and rico were sitting

ski sat down and doja feeling bold, sat on his lap straddling him

ski wrapped one arm around her waist and looked up at her. he studied her face and she giggled while putting her hands up to block out her face

"stop, i look like a mess right now" doja said to him and ski shook his head "nah" he replied. she put her hands down and smiled

"i want food" doja said out of nowhere, ski shrugged "i could eat" he said. doja put her finger on her chin like she was thinking then out of nowhere her eyes lit up "nuggets ! i want nuggets" she blurted out to ski and he chuckled

"aight, let's go get you some nuggets then" he told her and she smiled "yay yay" she replied as she got up from his lap and grabbed his hand and pulling him up with her

she dragged him to the club entrance before dragging him out of the club. she pauses "shit, i didn't call a uber" she said and ski shrugged "i drove here so" he tells her and she nods "take us to your car" she says to him and he nods and begins to walk to his car, pulling her along

they get to his car and ski opens the passenger side door for doja. she gets in and while he walks over to the drivers side and opens his door and getting in

he starts his car and pulls off. the two were on a adventure for doja's chicken nugget craving

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