11. got the methane, i'm a farter

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"got the steroids keeping me stronger"

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"got the steroids keeping me stronger"


laid up in her bed watching love island when doja got a text from someone. it was her ex, johnny

doja and johnny's breakup wasn't that public but it was a harsh breakup, to put it lightly he cheated on her with multiple different girls when she was on tour and she had found out when she came home early and went to surprise him at his apartment but instead she was the one who got surprised. she had saw him laid up with another girl and a condom wrapper on his nightstand

they had gotten into a argument about it and she broke up with him that same night. knowing their history she didn't understand the sudden text from him

he had already tried apologizing multiple times and she declined it every time, so why text her again

she looked at it and her face had dropped, it was a photo of ski kissing her at her front door with a message saying "one of my friends sent this to me, their on the tmz board. id leak it before they can, just a lil heads up"

she sent him a simple thank you and laid back on ski's chest. sure her and ski had claimed they were dating online but there were no pictures or anything so they thought their little white lie was safe

but apparently it wasn't because now theres a picture, and thats makes it undeniable that even if they aren't actually together they have something going on

doja tried not to worry about it too much, because it shouldn't be that big of a deal cause like stated before, they had already made a claim of being together

ski noticed that she was shaken up and asked her "whats wrong ma?"

she looked at him and showed him the message and the picture, "that, thats whats wrong" she replied. his eyes widened "how the fuck??" he said and she shrugged

"no fucking clue, guess we just gotta be more careful" she told him and he nodded "yea i guess" he replied

they both just continued watching the show trying to ignore the situation and also they were both trying to deny the undeniable sexual tension that seeing the photo of them kissing had created

they were both well aware of each other's feeling at this point but they had never actually discussed what they both wanted

even though they both knew they wanted to be together, ski wanted doja just as much as she wanted him

but she was waiting on him to make the first move, she didn't exactly know where his head was. she knew his reputation, specially after the revenge tour

so she got curious and decided she would ask him, she looked up at him "ski, do you see this going anywhere? or are we just fucking around just to do it?" she asked

ski was caught off guard by her question but he did have a answer for her "honestly, i see you as my girlfriend at this point. so yea i do see it going somewhere" he replied truthfully

doja felt heat rise to her cheeks, thats what she had hoped he would say. that he saw something with her

ski noticed her blushing and leaned down and kissed her "you should've already known this though baby, but i guess it's probably nice to hear it too instead of just a assumption" he said to her and she nodded her head

doja started tracing the outline of ski's tattoos on his arm, he just laughed at her antics thinking it was cute how fascinated she was with them

ski noticed how doja didn't have many tattoos or piercings. she only had 4 tattoos and 2 piercings that weren't her ears

she didn't even wear one of the 2 anymore, he noticed a lot of things about her. she was fascinating to him like he was to her

ski was pulled out of his trance when doja sat on top of him, her red and blonde hair was pulled back. ski had seen this wig on her before, it was the one from her bottom bitch video

he thought it looked pretty on her, he looked down at her face and she smiled at him before leaning over and kissing him

he kissed her back while wrapping his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss

she pulled away "your phone was blowing up like crazy earlier, i think you gotta go babe" she told him and he nodded remembering he had a studio session later with scheme

he kissed her one more time before she got off of him and he got up and put his shoes on, he grabbed his stuff and doja walked him downstairs

she hugged him before he opened her front door and left

doja went back upstairs and laid down, she had something to do today too but it wasn't until later in the day

she decided to go back to sleep

(a/n: hey shawties, long time no see

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(a/n: hey shawties, long time no see. my b my b frfr, i really need to write for this story more. ive been so preoccupied with life ive been forgetting to update and im sorry. i be forgetting people actually read this story for some reason, but nonetheless love yall and imma try to be better at updating
love, ruechi 💕)

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