4. got me A1 sauce, please

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"ice cream, ice cream"

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"ice cream, ice cream"


woken up from sleeping on ski's chest, however ski was still sleeping. she perked her head up and she used one of her hands to poke his nose

"skiiiii, wake upppp" she said with a soft but playful voice. ski woke up startled and grabbed her hand as she continued to poke his nose. doja giggled and tilted her head "you're awake, finally" she says softly to him

ski chuckles "yes mama, i'm up" he said to her as she started to sit up. she perched herself up on his lap and used her other hand to balance herself

"can we get waffles?" she asked and he nodded before sighing "how the fuck are you so hyper right now?" ski asked and doja shrugged "i dunno, i hate mornings usually. so the fact that i'm even up right now is a fucking miracle" she replied

he nodded "aight doja, get up so we can go get waffles" ski told her and she pouted "cant we just order it?" she asked sweetly and ski shrugged "i guess we can mama" he tells her before reaching over and grabbing his phone

ski unlocks it and goes to doordash, doja leaned over and put her head on his shoulder. he wrapped his free arm around her, resting his hand on her ass

he goes to the breakfast tab and starts scrolling "tell me when you see what place you want waffles from" ski says to her. she nods and lets him scroll a bit before she saw waffle house

"stop, i want a pecan waffle from waffle house. god that would be so good right now" she said almost moaning at the thought. ski chuckled "aight, you want just the waffle or?" he asked and she shook her head "i want the t-bone and eggs, and i want my eggs scrambled with cheese please" she told him and he nodded putting in her order before finding what he wanted

after he found what he wanted, he paid for the food and looked over at doja. "i just put the order for the food in, it says it'll be here in like 30 or 40 minutes" ski tells her and she nods. doja then reaches her hand back up to his face, and once again pokes his nose

he grabs her wrist and looks at her with a playful smirk "what is your obsession with poking me ma" he asks and she smiles "i'm bored and you have a nice nose" she said as she used her other hand to trace the tattoo thats on the side of his nose

ski grabbed her other hand "personal space much?" he asked playfully still smirking. she giggled "you don't need personal space right now" she replied and he raised his eyebrow "how would you like it if i started tracing your tattoos or touching all up on you" he asked still joking and she shrugged

"i wouldn't mind honestly, and i didn't mean it in a disrespectful way. i quite like your tattoos, they really suit you" doja said, ski nodded with a slight smile "thanks, my family wasn't too fond of them" he replied and she sighed

"it be like that" she said and he nodded. ski realized he was still holding doja's wrists and let them go

she slumped down and laid back on his chest, wrapping one arm around him. ski put his hand back around her waist and rubbed circles into her side

"alexa, play childs play" ski said to his alexa. doja shivered at the movie choice and ski chuckled "you scared?" he asked and she shook her head "no, just a horror movie this early? really tho? can we watch something else please?" she asked and he shruggged

"aight fine. you the guest, you can choose what we watch" he told her and she nodded "alexa, play to all the boys i've loved before on netflix" she told his alexa and he groaned

"really? some sappy ass movie?" ski said with annoyance and doja flicked him in his arm "it's not sappy, it's sweet" she replied and he rolled his eyes

ski noticed goosebumps were starting to form on doja's legs, so he placed his comforter on top of them and she mumbled a small "thank you"

they stayed cuddled up until the food came, when it came doja got up from ski's bed and went to get it

on the way to the door she passed a mirror, she looked at herself before gagging slightly "man i look rough" she said before continuing to the door

doja opened it and the doordasher handed her the waffle house bag. she thanked them before shutting the door and locking it. she walked to ski's kitchen and placed the bag on the island

she saw him walk out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, he was rubbing his stomach and his shirt was lifting up

doja stared for a second before shaking her head and washing her hands. when she was done, she reached into the bag and pulled both of their food out

ski sat down on one of the stools and she slid him his food along with syrup and utensils. he thanked her as she went and sat down next to him

they began eating doja ended up getting full quite fast. ski laughed at her "did all that for the food and you cant even finish it" he said playfully taunting her and she stuck her tongue out at him

he looked at her "you want me to take you home after this?" ski asked her and she sighed "honestly no, i'm really enjoying being with you" she said truthfully and ski nodded with a small smile

"word? then i'm not finna take you home. i like being around you, you got good energy and i'm tired as fuck so ion even wanna drive" he replied and she laughed "i felt that, i'm sleepy as shit right now" she told him

"you tryna take a nap together?" he asked and she nodded eagerly before getting up and putting her food in his fridge and his plate in the trash

she then grabbed his hand and basically dragged him back to his bedroom

ski laid down and opened his arms for doja, which she understood was a sign for her to lay on him. so thats exactly what she did

ski put some chill music from the internet on as the two started getting sleepier. ski kissed doja's forehead before she dozed off

"this woman is gonna be my demise" he thought to himself before he also dozed off to sleep

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