6. stakes high, need a side of collard greens

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"i ain't bothered, get slaughtered"

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"i ain't bothered, get slaughtered"


woken up when she got a text from her manager lydia letting her know the filming date for kiss me more had been pushed back for a week

she sighed, she had left ski's place because she thought she had to work. if she knew earlier it was getting pushed back, she would have stayed and they would have been in bed together all day

doja's face had a small smile rested on it as she thought of ski. even though she was only with him for a day, she was completely infatuated with his aura

something about ski just made doja blush and get nervous. even now, and he's not even with her

"maybe i should dm him? or is that too clingy?" she thought to herself, she just wanted to talk to him. she wanted to be in his bed, laying on top of him as she was falling asleep

she shook her head and decided against it. "that will make me look clingy and annoying, and i refuse to have him think i'm as annoying as i truly am" doja thought to herself as she started scrolling on instagram

she came across something on theshaderoom that she was tagged in

Theshaderoom #Pressplay: @dojacat rumored to be @theslumpgod new girlfriend? ex girlfriend of skimask, @desereii

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Theshaderoom #Pressplay: @dojacat rumored to be @theslumpgod new girlfriend? ex girlfriend of skimask, @desereii._ says doja cat cussed her out on his phone and claimed to be his girlfriend and he confirmed she was. desereii says doja was extremely rude to her and claimed that she was disrespecting her for no reason. thoughts on the situation?

anon23 why was doja being rude tho? like girl, u cute but no
anon45 right, the fuck did you need to be rude for?

anon87 i wanna hear doja's side first, cant trust no random before theres evidence
anon59 no fr

djscheme @theslumpgod you see this right?
theslumpgod what the fuck bruh- desereii annoying 

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