10. i ain't bothered, get slaughtered

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"philly cheesestake all in that order, chilli cheese fries as a starter"

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"philly cheesestake all in that order, chilli cheese fries as a starter"


got out of the shower and walked into her bedroom when she saw ski was awake, he was laying on her bed shirtless and on his phone

doja stared at him for a while before he noticed her, she felt her cheeks heat up and he laughed. she walked over to her dresser and pulled out her underwear before looking at ski "imma go change then come back, kk?" she said and he shrugged

"why not just change in here? i mean it is your room" he said to her and she felt herself get embarrassed. she could barely pay attention to the words leaving his mouth because she was so hot and bothered from his raspy morning voice and him being shirtless

"w-well b-because you're in h-here" she said while stuttering and her cheeks became a deep red from her embarrassment, ski looked up at her from his phone and took in the sight

he could see her shape through her almost sheer robe, her face was bare and her hair was pulled into a bun. he always thought she looked good, but right now he thought she looked ethereal

he bit his lip as he continued scanning what he could see of her body and doja felt her knees getting weak. ski finally looked back up at her "i can leave for a second if you want baby" he told her and doja felt a pool begin to form between her legs

that nickname, the way he said it, the way he looked when he said. it was having a affect on her

"n-no, i-it's fine, i-i c-can change in t-the b-bathroom" she stuttered out, ski licked his lips and shook his head "nah, it's your room mama. you should feel free to get dressed in it" he told her and she nodded her head before undoing her robe

ski's eyes widened and doja realized what he meant and closed her robe"o-oh y-you meant a-after you leave" she said while embarrassed 

ski nodded his head still shocked "y-yea b-but if you're c-comfortable t-then go a-ahead" ski said now being the one who was stuttering

doja nodded before undoing her robe again and taking it off, ski laid back on her bed again as he her watched apply lotion to her body

she then bent over to grab some clothes from her dresser and ski felt himself get hard at the sight of her

her bubble butt was in the air and ski watched as her hips swayed as she moved around trying to find her clothes in the drawer

he also was staring at her and the wetness dripping down from it and onto doja's thighs

doja then slides her panties up her legs covering ski's view as she stands up, she turns around and ski's eyes focus on a different part of her, her boobs

they weren't super big nor were they super perky but they were still nice to look at in his opinion

doja notices ski's eyes fixated on her boobs and she shakes them a bit making both of them laugh

doja looks him up and down and stops when she sees the tent in his pants, she giggles "you must really like what you see" she said to him referring to his growing hard on

ski chuckled before nodding "yea i do, and by the way fat ma was wet i can tell you do too" he replied back to her making her cheeks heat up in embarrassment again

"you saw that?" she asked and he nodded while laughing "yea when you bent over, you was even dripping down you thighs" he replied and she got even more embarrassed 

ski stood up off the bed and came over to her, "ain't shit to be embarrassed of though ma, everyone gets horny" he told her and she shook her head "yea but down my thighs?? what type of effect do you have on me to have me like that from literally nothing?" she asked and ski's eyes widened "hollon, i did that?" he said and she nodded

ski shook his head in disbelief before looking at her "you want me to fix it?" he asked her in his low raspy voice making doja weak in the knees again

she nodded and he shook his head at her "nah baby use your words" he told her and she got even wetter

"i want you to fix it" she replied and he nodded before telling her to jump and she did

he picked her up and placed her on her dresser before kissing and sucking on her neck

she moaned from the contact of his lips on her neck. he found her sweet spot and sucked on it, leaving a hickey on her

he detached his lips from her neck and looked her in her doll like eyes before kissing her

doja wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt one of his hands snake around her neck and the other slide her panties to the slide and begin to rub up and down her slit, she gasped at the sudden pleasure giving ski access to slide his tongue in her mouth

she felt him slide a finger into her and she moaned into their kiss, ski pulled away and looked down at his work

he began pumping in and out of her, making her eyes roll back as she moaned out his name. "f-fuckkk s-stokeley" she moaned and he smirked before adding another finger and going even faster than before

doja threw her head back in pleasure as inaudible sounds and moans came out from her mouth, ski started kissing her neck again as he felt her grip his fingers letting him know she was close

ski kissed doja one more time before she came on his fingers, he pulled his fingers out of her and sucked her juices off his fingers before tongue kissing her making her taste herself

"whew i'm tired" doja mumbled out and ski laughed before picking her back up and putting her on the bed

he got on the bed and crawled onto his lap before laying down onto his chest, he pulled her comforter over them and kissed her forehead

"go to sleep baby, i'll wake you up later" he told her and she nodded before dozing off to sleep leaving ski with his thoughts

(a/n: i cringed sm writing this shit bro, NEVER THE FUCK AGAIN WILL Y'ALL GET SMUT FROM MEalso im back off hiatus now pookies, so expect updates not consistently but yk ian ever consistentanyways love all y'allkurreuchi <3)

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(a/n: i cringed sm writing this shit bro, NEVER THE FUCK AGAIN WILL Y'ALL GET SMUT FROM ME
also im back off hiatus now pookies, so expect updates not consistently but yk ian ever consistent
anyways love all y'all
kurreuchi <3)

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