3. grade A hoe, not lean

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"steaks high, need a side of collard greens

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"steaks high, need a side of collard greens. cash rules everything around me"


doja and ski were driving around looking for a chickfila after doja established that was what she wanted

doja studied ski as he drove, she was completely entranced by his appearance. he noticed this and glanced at her "doja, you posed to be looking for chickfila's not looking at me" he says jokingly

she giggles drunkenly and grabs his hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. she starts fiddling with his fingers and takes one of his rings off and puts it on her finger before continuing to play with his hand

ski chuckles and continues driving until he came across a chickfila, he pulls into the drive through and asks doja how many nuggets she wants "i want a 12 piece with a large sprite and chickfila and polynesian sauce" she tells him

he orders it and pays for it, when they get the food he hands her the bag and she smiles "thank youu" she says in a sing song like voice

ski shakes his head at the drunk woman next to him and starts driving to his place. he had no clue where she lived and there was no way in hell he was leaving her alone in the state she was in

doja realized he wasn't taking her home and didn't say anything. truth is she was starting to sober up, but she was really enjoying his company and didn't wanna be alone. so she just let him drive to his place without saying anything

when they pulled up to his apartment, ski parks in the parking garage and gets out. he went to doja's side of the car and helped her. she smiled at him once she fully stood up

he grabbed her food and handed it to her. he held her drink and closed the passenger side door

ski helped her walk to the elevator and get on it. he noticed she still had his ring on, he shook his head with a slight smile

"doja, you gon give me my ring back or?" he asked in a playful tone, she shrugged "i like it on me, very sparkly" she stays as she stares at the diamonds reflecting on the inside of the elevator door

they reach his floor and ski leads doja to his apartment. he opens the door for them and lets doja walk in first so he can lock the door behind them

she had somehow managed to already find his bedroom the moment he went looking for her. when ski got to his room he saw doja sitting in on his side on the bed, eating her french fries and watching whatever was on the tv

he went and sat next to her, she offered him some fries and he chuckled before taking them

ski couldn't help but enjoy being around doja, she was bubbly as hell. "if she's like this when she's drunk, i wonder what she's like when she's sober" he thought to himself

doja on the other hand was thinking about how full she was, she had eaten the majority of her food in his car and that definitely was helping her sober back up. she placed her chickfila bag on ski's nightstand and got up and went to his bathroom so she could wash her hands

when she was done, doja went back to his bed and laid down. she scooted over and laid her head on ski's shoulder, but she really wanted to lay on him

he noticed this because she didn't look super comfortable. "just lay on me doja" he said giving her the greenlight

she sat up and straddled him before laying down on him. he wrapped one of his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss on her forehead

"just sleep ma, i can tell you're tired. i'll take you home in the morning" ski told doja and she dozed off on his chest

he could hear her faint little snores coming from her mouth as she slept. he had a small smile resting on his face as he watched tv and let her sleep

after about an hour, ski had dozed off too sleep and that was the end of the night for both of them

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