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oliver taking you out onto the pitch on your weekend, opting for time between the two of you rather than a date to hogsmeade

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oliver taking you out onto the pitch on your weekend, opting for time between the two of you rather than a date to hogsmeade. he had been wanting to get you on a broom for months, but due to your reluctance and slight fear of the sport, he had been unable to do so up until now. when you had asked him to teach you how to use one, you swore you had never seen his face light up so quickly and brightly in the entire eight months you had been together. he handed you a broom with a small smile, holding one of his own in his hand before he carefully placed it onto the ground.

"i'll be here the entire time, darling, there's no need to be afraid."

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 , h.p gif seriesWhere stories live. Discover now